"That's it!" Fangzheng pointed to the real guy beside him, with a somewhat amused expression on his face.


Can I open this iron lump?

Fang Zheng's tone of voice was a little eager to try, although he was in front of an old antique car.

They are all obsolete products, but the nose can smell the real iron lump

Tank, that man doesn't want to touch it, even if it's eliminated

No problem at all!

Following the direction of Fang Zheng's finger, Che Xuewen smiled boldly.

The surrounding area is very open, and there are no other people, Fangzheng is completely

You can go up and experience

Besides, this old antique was promised by Mr. Pang to Fangzheng Town. In other words, this

It is Fangzheng's private property. People can open it when they want.

There's no reason to stop

Really?" Fang Zheng heard Che Xuewen's words, his eyes instantly brightened a lot, and said

After finishing, he grabbed Che Xuewen's hand and urged: "~Let's go, come here quickly,

I've been wanting to try it for a long time

Iron torrent, the iron lump in front of you is the veritable king of land warfare~

Seeing Fang Zheng's impatient appearance, Che Xuewen tried a few of his comrades

With a wink, he followed Fang Zheng to the side of the tank.

With the help of Che Xuewen, Fangzheng got into the tank

The space is much larger than he imagined, after all, all the fire control facilities inside are

It was demolished, and a lot of space was vacated.

Fang Dong, this is the forward lever and brake.

Fang Zheng was sitting in the driver's seat, and there was only a small window in front of him to see the situation ahead.

Under the guidance of Che Xuewen, Fangzheng is familiar with the operation of the tank, let alone, this thing

It seems to be much simpler than a car, except for the complicated fire control system, the driver's seat is needed

There are just a few of them.

And this is an iron lump, you don't need to worry about being hit at all, it's safe


Boom (Nono Zhao) Boom

Suddenly, with the help of Che Xuewen's comrades to start the tank, Fang Zheng was under the direction of Che Xuewen.

Guide, slow down to the accelerator.

bang bang bang

The heavy steel monster made a dull roar, and bursts of thick black smoke rose,

Sitting inside the tank, Fang Zheng could clearly feel the power coming out from under his butt.

Thick and steady, this is Founder's first driving experience, as for turning off the engine.


For this thing, just slam on the accelerator!

Fang Zheng held the directional stick tightly, looking at the situation in front of him, although

Knowing that you are driving a tank, it can be said to be the safest land vehicle, but

I can't help but feel a little nervous

Mr. Fang, you can drive as long as you don't hit anyone, the tank's driving is still ten.

It's safe!

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please




Chapter [-] Electric version of the chariot (seeking support)

Fang Zheng smiled bitterly when he heard what Che Xuewen said.

He knew that what the other party said was the truth, but the tension in his heart was just like that.

Before that, he didn't even have a driver's license

Tanks don't need to be afraid of being hit, at least they don't need to worry about their own safety.

Heart, after all, this is not a battlefield.

As long as you don't bump into people, you can almost walk sideways

A violent bump came from the joystick in his hand, and Fang Zheng felt the tank for the first time.

sense of power

Mr. Fang, what do you think that is?

Che Xuewen looked at Fang Zheng's careful driving, and the corners of his mouth twitched speechlessly.

This is a tank, the dignified king of land warfare, do you have to be so careful?

Hearing Che Xuewen's words, Fangzheng looked over through the lookout port, only to see Che Xuewen's words.

A comrade-in-arms was looking curiously at the lookout port, while gesticulating.

What's the matter, are they gesticulating to say there's something in front of them?

Fang Zheng looked at Che Xuewen who was on the side with a suspicious expression.

Mr. Fang, they say you can hurry up

Che Xuewen really doesn't know what to say. You can't even run a tank.

A two-legged person who still walks normally, this

Where do you put my big 59 face?

Hearing the words of Che 447 Xuewen, Fang Zheng also found out that the tank Nima drives is good.

Anyway, it has more than a dozen wheels, and it runs so slowly, I am afraid that a three-year-old child is faster than a three-year-old child.


Thinking of this, Fang Zheng gritted his teeth and stepped on the accelerator slowly.

In an instant, the roar of the steel behemoth filled his ears.

There is a feeling of blood boiling

For a long time, Fang Zheng took a virtual stroll around the battlefield in the chariot and returned to the original place.

parked, cobalt out of the cockpit

As soon as his feet landed, Fang Zheng shouted excitedly.

Compared with the iron lump, any luxury supercar is inferior, although the speed of the sports car is faster than that of the sports car.

Faster, but the sense of power and heaviness is completely incomparable.

Sitting in a tank, you will have a very strong sense of security, which a car cannot


Fangzheng circled around the 59 in front of him with satisfaction, and touched the steel plate above, feeling tense in his heart.


Afterwards, Fangzheng asked Che Xuewen to drive the old antique to the side of the exhibition that had been built for a long time.

Shed, as the treasure of the virtual battle of the chariot in the future.

The exhibition shed is not the wide open space he just opened. This is a test of driving skills.

Yes, Fangzheng is very self-aware to let Che Xuewen drive.

In the future, this 59 will receive tourists, although not like he is today

It's a bit of a drive, but it's ok to get into the cockpit to take pictures or something.

Looking at Che Xuewen's neat and tidy driving, 59 is like a giant in his hands.

Like a beast, it brings unparalleled pressure to people.

Just thinking about my own driving. It's a shame to throw it at my grandma's house

When everything was put away properly, Fang Zhenggang wanted to call Mr. Pang, and wanted to learn from Che

Wenji people begged for a favor and invited them to a meal.

But he didn't expect that without waiting for him to call, Mr. Pang directly informed Che Xuewen and the others.

When you're done, go back to training quickly, don't think about being lazy.

To this, Che Xuewen and several of his comrades in arms could only helplessly laugh twice, and then talk to Fang Zheng.

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