Customized rules. Ah ~ great god

Tanya folded her hands and seemed to be praying devoutly to the gods, begging for the great existence

Save the world from the cloud of war.

For war, helpless and pitiful people go to beg for salvation, and the gods have nothing.

Doubt is the most appropriate vehicle for people to pray.

However, everyone in this world will pray to the gods, but Tanya will not.

Because the audience knows that Tanya is a complete atheist, more

An ethereal, aloof spirit, she believes in her own rationality and herself!

Therefore, I re-declare here, ah~ God~"

Looking at Tanya's pious eyes, the sense of contradiction in the audience's heart became stronger and stronger

At this time, Tan Ya feels like the tranquility before the storm. How much is Tan Ya now?

Religious, how violent the storm will be after that!

Audiences are convinced.

Ah~ God~ I'm going to take your beast to pieces and feed it to the pigs!

Sure enough, Tanya, who was praying devoutly like a saint one second ago, has a different expression the next second.

Become extremely ferocious, those sapphire pupils are filled with hatred, the ultimate

The madness emanated from Tanya, giving people an unparalleled impact.

There's no place for bullshit gods on our battlefield! It's time for us

The majestic generals and soldiers have come to take over the work of the gods, and I will wait for the soldiers to act for the heavens.

Let the very slow gods taste the taste of complete unemployment!

Looking at Tanya's crazy expression, listening to Tanya's crazy declaration, the view in front of the screen

Everyone feels their blood is burning

For an atheist, there is nothing more inspiring than a statement like this


Let the arrogant gods be completely unemployed?

What a rhetoric it takes to say that

What's more, Tanya has seen 'existence X' with her own eyes, which highlights Tanya even more

Extremely crazy character.

Burn! Burn!

mmp, I got goosebumps, this sentence is so cool~!

The battlefield belongs to the soldiers, and there is no room for gods to intervene here!!

My life is up to me, god damn god damn it~!

There is no doubt that Tanya is a lunatic, and the most terrifying thing is that she is a

very rational lunatic

"Listen! Comrades! The war has begun!!

Tanya's remarks were like announcing his own mages brigade, telling them to be more

The cruel war is coming, and on the other hand, it is also declaring war on the whole world.

In this war, the Empire has shown too strong, its force has threatened other

The security of the country, so the war starts again, and it will inevitably spread to the whole world.

Of course, as a viewer, they know that Tanya's declaration is not the only

Meaning in two ways.

Qin Ya's remarks are more likely to be a declaration of war against 'existence X'!

Tanya's transmigration, ability and many experiences have all proved the existence of 'God',

But under such circumstances, Tanya still announced her own war against the gods


And Tanya always denied the existence of gods, as a representative of extreme rationality,

She has always referred to 'God' as 'Existence X', which has represented Tanya's attitude.

The extremely crazy character led Tanya to issue this extremely crazy declaration of war!

Tanya's remarks made the audience's blood boil, and the extremely crazy personality

The engraving also highlights the unique charm of Tan Yana

Crazy, cruel, rational, selfish, these are all Tanya's true characters.

It shows the dark side of human nature naked and undisguised in front of people.

But it is Tanya like this that makes the audience hooked and can't stop

People are a carrier, and the accumulated emotions will be precipitated in the body, whether it is sunlight.

Whether it's positive or negative, these will be backlogged in the human body


Since man is a carrier, it means that the capacity of man is limited to 2.9

, So many emotions and troubles are accumulated in the bottom of my heart every day, if they are not released, they will collapse


Personal collapse is often in an instant, are there still few such examples in reality?

Therefore, people need to change their mood and vent, and there is no doubt that Tanya Wars

Act as an opportunity for people to vent.

The anime "Tanya Wars" has only one word to put it bluntly, it's cool

The audience used Tanya as a carrier to unbridly vent their depression and unhappiness in their hearts.

Only they will feel that watching "Tanya War" always has a hearty feeling.

PS: Thank you for "I always like Sage Hui", "136..85", "ジ troubled times", ""God

Anilu's monthly ticket support, thank you guys!!!

I beg the big guys for more support, please




Chapter [-] That's all? (For support)

"I beat you Mad, do you have to get so excited?!"

"There is a feeling of unhappiness!"

"Is this Tanya? Love love!"

"Crazy loli, watch out for her wringing your head off!"

"233~The most important thing is that Tan Yanei is an uncle and social animal~"

"Come on~! Upstairs, why do you have to crit?"

In the barrage, because of Tanya's declaration of war, the audience was excited one by one

Boiling, the blood all over the body is very lively.

However, when the audience is experiencing the thrill of life's epic peak, the animation that is playing

But summer stopped.

The familiar ED sounded, and the audience seemed to have lost their highlights one by one.

staring at the screen.

One moment ago, they were applauding Tan Ya's rhetoric, but the next moment they were ruthless.

The fall of the mundane returned to reality.

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