A group of fans in front of the screen are very envious of Mu Gongsheng's life, but the kind of intricate

Complex relationships cause headaches for many people.

But on the other hand, there are also many people who express pity for Gongsheng.

Her mother's body has been very unhealthy since she was a child. Because of her talent for public life, her mother has

I want to train Gongsheng to become a qualified pianist.

This is also the beginning of the shadow of Gongsheng's childhood. Every day is faced with mechanical monotonous training.

, the slightest mistake will attract the mother's punishment.

For Gongsheng's mother, many people feel a little strange.

Everyone knows that maternal love is great, but Gongsheng's mother seems to put her own

The ideal was imposed on Koisei.

To put it a bit harsher, the audience even felt that Gongsheng was not like his child, but on the contrary.

It is a tool that realizes ideals that it has not been able to achieve.

Therefore, some viewers are a little disgusted with Gongsheng's mother. Such a mother is obviously

Not a qualified mother, at least she did not bring a good childhood to Gongsheng.

Even after her death for many years, Gongsheng still lived in her shadow, and he could not hear her for a while.

Seeing the sound of the piano is very depressing.

Recalling childhood, whether poor or rich, everyone can always think of something happy


But Gongsheng did not. His childhood was nothing but the piano and endless training.

This is also everyone's pity for Gongsheng's childhood encounters, but Gongsheng has been very sensitive since he was a child.

Sensible, even sensible people feel pitiful.

In order to make his mother happy, no matter how harsh the training is, he is meticulously completed.

, so that many people turn him into a machine.

The machine is error-free, which would have been an excellent one for playing the piano.


But as a performer, Gongsheng is not qualified.

His piano playing is just a monotonous imitation, without any mistakes, not even the tail

Also very standard.

But he has a fatal flaw, that is, his playing has no soul!

Music is used to express people's feelings, and it conveys self through the combination of notes.

Your truest thoughts.

But Gongsheng didn't. Although his performance was superb, it was like a tower in the sky.

Jing generally has its own appearance and has no feelings. This is an empty kezi.

However, in this state, in order to make his mother happy, Gongsheng spends every day

Still complete the training mechanically, and even strive to complete every competition, to win the prize

Own mother.

"Hey~ In my opinion, Gongsheng's mother's love for Gongsheng is a little distorted~"

"No matter what Gongsheng did wrong, he is always your son, you beat your son like this

Is bleeding really what a mother should do?"

"Every family has a scripture that is difficult to read. Gongsheng is undoubtedly a genius, but he is also a genius.

to the joy of childhood.

"It feels like Gongsheng is like a drinking shell controlled by his mother, without any self.


"How did this kind of childhood public life persist? If it were, I might have collapsed long ago.


"Parents play an important role in a child's physical and mental growth.

She is still living in the shadow of her mother, but Mo is pitiful.

In front of the screen, many people can't accept the practice of public birth mothers, thinking that it will stop for a while.

mother's behavior.

People's Party said that mother's love is like water, and wine has always been silent and peaceful.

Invisible and intangible, but it is the most important companion in a child's growth process

A frequent meal, a piece of clothing, or even a hoarse warning before going out, these people are

The unique charm of maternal love.

I can't feel it on weekdays, but it doesn't mean he doesn't.

When the teenagers of the past grow up, how many people will be attached to the old self, the kind of being

The time when a mother loves Baoguo is really very happy and carefree.

However, on Gongsheng Mountain, the audience could not see any warmth from the mother, some only

It was that cold reproach.

It seems that no matter how well Gongsheng does, his mother is always dissatisfied and always thinks it

Flawed, always scolding him

"Let's calm down first, I don't think there is a mother who doesn't love her child, maybe

Gongsheng's mother may have any difficulties. *

"As a mother, it's normal to hope for a child to become a dragon, not to mention that her body is not

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