Although he was forced to be the accompaniment, he watched Gena devote himself to the performance.

Playing the figure, Gongsheng himself was also deeply affected.

Finally, Gongsheng's completely messed up accompaniment is back on track, just like in April

The most beautiful flowers in full bloom are generally in perfect harmony with Lai's violin playing.

Gongsheng looked at the fiery voice and shadow, and finally, for the first time, he got rid of the shadow left by his mother.

Please come out, the first time his piano expresses the object of confidence has changed.

Although the performances of the two were somewhat flawed due to Gongsheng's psychological reasons, the

The subsequent performance won the applause of the audience, and the audience was boiling for it.

However, at this time, like the sun, the dark clouds in the sky were cut open.

Tuyuan fell on the stage.

"Lying gear, this is what's going on" "?3

"Why did it go down when it was good?"

"I suddenly have a bad feeling in my heart!

"You're not alone upstairs, I have this hunch too, and it's very strong


"Mom, Fang Da won't want to repeat the old trick again~"

"I'm a little panicked!"

Looking at the figure that fell wantonly, many viewers felt tight in their hearts, this one is like the sun

Generally hot girls are not only the angels that Gongsheng has been waiting for, but also the tenth of the audience.

A favorite character.

So looking at such a sudden fall, many people are worried for a while.

Watching the funeral comatose on the stage, many viewers were stunned, and there was something wrong with the plot.


How can a normal person suddenly turn red? Could it be that Lai has low blood sugar and does not form a group?

Under the puzzled eyes of the audience, the plot of the anime "Your Lie in April"

A turning point has quietly begun to take place, and the fainting of the medicine is just an opportunity.

Afterwards, the audience even saw the public (good-money) students' memories of their mother, and they knew

Gongsheng's mother was not as unfriendly as they thought.

The reason why he is so strict with Gongsheng is because he is afraid that after he leaves, Gongsheng

There is no way to live independently.

As a dying mother, the only thing she can do is move while she can

Playing, rigorous training Gongsheng, until Gongsheng can rely on the piano to support his family.

Pity the hearts of parents all over the world, even if they know that their actions will be misunderstood by many people,

She still did it.

It can be said that Gongsheng's mother was still worried about Gongsheng until the last moment of her life.

It's not that she doesn't love her son, it's that she can't love her son because of her physical condition.

The pieces and the rest of the time have not allowed her to teach her own life like a normal mother.


PS: I beg the big guys for more support, and please 1 ! 1 1 1 .

Division | Bar | Three

Reward share report

Chapter [-] Planetarium, the first memories (for support)

"April is Your Lie) is played normally, and the plot is happy and light-hearted from the very beginning.

Slowly move in the direction the audience least wants to see

, it is absolutely necessary to watch the team respond based on this gradually becoming everyone, many viewers are overwhelmed

Subject to

This girl who appeared on the screen in April, at the most prosperous season of spring flowers, should have

He should have his own colorful life, but Lai is in the right age of his own beans.

in lost color.

Every time they see this place, the audience feels as if a huge boulder has been crushed in their hearts.

/ Fangzheng dog thief, you don't do anything about people~

"Ten thousand pieces have been packaged, Fang Da, you can think about the next plot.

"If there is really something in Lai, you should wait for yourself to be rooted by Yu Min.

I'm serious this time!! 1

"Pray for a happy ending~

"Originally a good dog food fan, why did it have to develop in this direction?

A forum, the audience is collectively complaining, especially watching Fang Zheng's intentional or unintentional

Implying the similarity of Ge and Gongsheng's mother's illness, many people have a bad premonition in their hearts

Strong hair.

Many people have even begun to threaten Fangzheng

Even if 037 is an anime that has already been set, even if the plot has already been designed, but

Everyone still hopes that Fangzheng can change the plot of "Your Lie in April"

If the broadcast of this anime is postponed because of the change of plot, then everyone is willing to wait

As long as Fangzheng can get Lai out of the hospital that smells of disinfectant

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