Hoshino Yumei, a robot girl, has brought a very poignant and beautiful scene to many people.


PS: I beg everyone for your support, please!!!

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Chapter [-] Missing a Hoshino Yumemi (for support)

(Fang Dong, are you. Are you okay?"

Zhang Siyu watched Fangzheng hold the backrest of the village in the first row for a long time without moving, and couldn't help

's forward.

When she came to Fangzheng's side, she just wanted to remind Fangzheng, but she saw Fangzheng.

The glitter in the corner of his eye.

Fang Zheng... crying

, Looking at that Jingdu, Zhang Shi's heart trembled, and his heart seemed to expand.


Inexplicably, Zhang Siyu suddenly had the urge to take Fang Zheng into his arms to comfort him.

But in the end, Zhang Siyu stopped her impulse. As for the reason, only her own


'Fang Dong, wipe it~

Fang Zheng came back to his senses when he heard Zhang Siyu's words.

Looking down at the tissue that Zhang Siyu handed over, he avoided it for a while before realizing the corner of his eyes.

I don't know when I've got some wet feeling

"Sorry, I'm a little rude."

Fang Zheng took the tissue that Zhang Siyu handed over and gently wiped the corner of his eyes.

To be honest, he didn't even know that he would cry because of some memories.

some baskets.

He felt ashamed of his appearance, a big man, living in the daytime.

However, weeping and crying, if this spread out, his fame and reputation would be destroyed in one fell swoop.

"Siyu, you didn't see anything just now, did you know?

Fang Zheng turned his head to look at Zhang Siyu, looking at each other inexplicably.

/ I know, Fang Dong just came in to visit, and nothing happened~

The streamer in Zhang Si Shi's beautiful eyes flipped, and he looked at Fang Zheng with extraordinary splendor.

Maybe this is a very appointed person in Fangzheng's view, but in Zhang Siyu's view, this is a

an emotional performance.

A sensitive man, his mind is definitely very delicate, and his heart is sure

She is very gentle. I believe I will be very comfortable living with such a person for a lifetime.

Hearing Zhang Sishi's words, Fang Zheng nodded in satisfaction.

Talking to a smart person is easy, you don't need to say too clearly, just a look

The other person will know what you are thinking.

Fangzheng cleaned up his mood, but he didn't dare to think about the plot of "Dream of the Stars".

Because when he thinks of Hoshino Yumei's somewhat tragic ending, he is afraid that he will die again.

blurred vision.

As Fang Zheng's first work in this world, "Dream of the Stars" is in his heart.

very far-reaching impact.

As a man, he always has a deep memory of his first time, and so does Fang Zheng.

Recalling that when he first came to this world, he was unfamiliar with every day

All muddy.

It wasn't until he saw the Best Creator of the Year contest that he took the attitude of giving it a try.

I packaged and submitted "Dream of the Stars".

The later results were obvious. "Dream of the Stars" won the championship, which even more motivated the movement.

Mania for this concept.

Afterwards, Fangzheng founded A Club with the prize money of the winner of the competition, and launched a series of works.

, Company A has also grown steadily, until today.

Looking back on the past, Fang Zheng suddenly felt as if all this happened yesterday.

is so profound.

The status of "Dream of the Stars" in Fangzheng's heart surpassed that of any of his subsequent releases.

It has nothing to do with the quality of the work and the quality of the animation.

It's all because of what he is today, it's all "Dream of the Stars" winning the championship helps him

opened the initial dilemma.

Fang Zheng was walking in the planetarium, carefully watching any details.

The theme of the building, he does not want any flaws exist.

Because "Dream of the Stars" is perfect in his heart, he should not leave any regrets,

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