The intelligent program of Hoshino Yumei he bought is on the same level as Tianyi, and it can't reach the same level.

The threshold of artificial intelligence set by people is not even a rudimentary artificial intelligence.

Just like Tianyi, as long as you set up the question and answer library, set up some lines of "nine three zero" action and

Thinking parameters, Hoshino Yumei can achieve some simple daily communication problems.

The only difference between Hoshino Yumemi and Tianyi is the problem of the carrier, Tianyi is empty

Pseudo idols and virtual image ambassadors, whose bodies depend on the virtual imaging system.

And Yume Hoshino is a complete robot girl.

Robots are nothing unusual in this world, intelligent sweeping robots,

Unmanned machines, etc. have long been seen, so Fangzheng is not worried that Hoshino Yumei will attract

What a great friendship.

At most, the shape is different, and the action is smoother, but its essential technology is still

It is not too advanced to be on par with the world.

However, Hoshino Yume may not be a big deal for some high-tech technicians.

No, but for the vast number of two-dimensional fans, this is absolutely tantamount to an earthquake!

Fangzheng can already predict what kind of scene Hoshino Yumei will be exposed to.


Li is afraid that the number of tourists who come to take photos alone will be an astronomical number!

"Should I start a project that charges for group photos, it must be very profitable..."

Fang Zheng touched his chin, and the taste of money flashed in his eyes.

He has been deceived by the system for a large amount of reputation, so it seems that he does not have much to deceive others.

Can't say it~

/ Fang Xi! Fang Dong!,

Just when Fangzheng was thinking about how to get a lot of money, there was a sudden burst of eagerness outside the door.

call south.

Fangzheng started from the beginning to estimate the family, Zhe started until Ji Xunlu and some angry Zhong Jin.

'Fang Dong. A lot of people came from outside and said they were looking for you. I didn't stop them. They all passed by.

Come, just wait downstairs.

Chen Ruxun reported the matter to Fang Zheng, his eyes were a little ambitious, as if he was afraid of Fang Zheng.

blame him

I don't blame her for this. Those people came to the headquarters of the A company and saw her one by one.

He said he wanted to find Fangzheng to discuss cooperation.

Moreover, Chen Xian inspected their appearances and knew that these people did cooperate with the A company.

relationship, so I agreed

Originally, it was planned that these people would go to the living room to rest. "Let's go, taste Yanfang is not there.

But those people seemed to be very anxious, as if Nigu was on fire.

Reluctantly go to the waiting room to wait

No way, Chen Xianxin could only bring these people to the newly built commercial street.

"Okay, I know, let's go down and have a look w

Fangzheng has roughly figured out who he is, the companies and enterprises that have a cooperative relationship with him.

There are only a few families with karma, and there are only a few people who return to death.

Fangzheng came downstairs, and sure enough he saw several faces of Bu Shi.

"I said Lao Kangyan, what are you doing here as the director of the music stage?

Do you also plan to install your company's servers on this commercial street?

"That's not true, don't I have some personal savings, I plan to open a KT in the commercial street

V, the main style of two-dimensional music, presumably the traffic flow is definitely not bad!

"Don't look at me, I'm a musical instrument, it's not too much to open a store here~

/I am an outdoor product businessman, and I heard that Fang Dong is building the theme park of "Shaking Gill Camping"

Cao Park, it's not too much for me to open an outdoor equipment store.

"What about you, Mr. Zhao? What are you, the person in charge of Qianda Cinema, running here?"

"Why do you still have to guess, of course it's to open a theater~

A few people at the door chatted with each other, and the atmosphere between them had a smell of gunpowder.

Looking at this spacious pedestrian street, looking at the stores that have just been renovated, these

Everyone's eyes are shining!

Everyone knows what they are doing here, the pedestrian street is so big, good storefronts

That's all, to put it bluntly, they are all competitors, and it's strange that there is no smell of gunpowder 0

If it is an ordinary pedestrian street, their identities are placed there, this store

Even if you don't have a dish, you won't come in person.

But this pedestrian street is different. This is a project hosted by Fang Zheng himself.

One reason is enough for them to make a special trip.

Among the few people, some have a cooperative relationship with Fangzheng, and these cooperate with Fangzheng.

, which one is not full of money.

Especially Liu Jiayun, who deals in outdoor products, the reason for this product is through "Shake Electric Camping".

Dongfeng, in one fell swoop, pushed its Tianhao outdoor products to the whole country.

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