"Price is not a problem, Dong Fang, you just say it!" Liu Jiayun heard Fang Zheng's words and followed suit.

Intentionally smiled.

After the promotion of "Shake Electric Camping", his company is no longer bitter. With the addition of the main

There are not many companies operating outdoor products, and their competitive pressure is also very small, so this meal

There is no shortage of time to make money.

"I'm not good at money matters, you can discuss this with my CEO later, I

I'm here just to inform you of a few things, or requests. "

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Liu Jiayun and Su Youwei looked at Fang Zheng and wanted to hear from Fang Zheng.

Just what to say.

"First, everyone is willing to join the commercial street, which shows that they value me Fangzheng and company A.

, I am very welcome. "Fang Zheng put his hands together on the conference table, not in a hurry.


"But Company A is an animation company after all, and here is what I created for the two-dimensional culture.

One of the attractions, so your storefronts must bring two-dimensional elements. "

Two-dimensional element?

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and they have some understanding of what Fangzheng said.

To put it bluntly, it is Fangzheng who regards the storefront under their plate as this two-dimensional holy place.

Part of it, they are not allowed to do things that have nothing to do with the second dimension.

Many things people will have a relationship with the "Buddha"

If a Taoist temple suddenly appears in a place with a strong 'Buddha' culture, it will be a slippery world.

Great joke!

"Fang Dong took the liberty to ask, what are the two-dimensional elements you are talking about?"

Fang Zheng smiled slightly and said: "There are many two-dimensional elements, such as based on a certain dynamic

Comic-themed storefronts, themed storefronts of an anime character, and even shop assistants can wear the same

People dressed to receive guests and so on. "

After Fang Zheng finished speaking, he looked at a few people who seemed to understand, and shook his head with a smile and said, "This way

Well, if the follow-up negotiation with President Zhang goes well, what do you understand?

To find me, I will give you advice. "

Fang Zheng's voice just fell, and Su Youwei's eyes lit up and nodded.

Their understanding of the second dimension is really not very deep, otherwise they would not be so troubled


"The second thing is, I don't want people to be charging sky-high prices here, shoddy

, Hurting consumers, if there is, don't blame me for being rude to drive people away. "

When Fang Zheng said this, the expression on his face was already very serious.

If what he said happened, it would definitely not be a business that would be affected.


The word-of-mouth reputation of the two-dimensional tourism holy land created by the A company and Fangzheng will also be straight.

Falling down, maybe even being hated by many people, this is not what Fang Zheng wants to see.

Tourists don't care who made this product, they only talk about two-dimensional tourism

The products in the Holy Land are very expensive and of low quality, so I advise everyone not to buy them.

Once this kind of cognition is recognized by the majority of tourists, then the whole two-dimensional tourism will win

land will be affected.

"Don't worry, Director Fang, we will never do this kind of thing."

"That's right, Dong Fang, don't worry!"

After listening to everyone's assurances, Fang Zheng nodded with satisfaction, and then told the crowd again.

After discussing some details, he left the conference room and handed over the leadership of the negotiation to Zhang Si.


After all, compared with a professional talent like Zhang Siyu, the asking price and haggling are not his.


If you want to get more profits, let Zhang Siyu talk. Fangzheng believes that Zhang Siyu will not

will disappoint him.

PS: Thanks to "Mingmoyin People, "Love Meat Clippers", "177....02", "Zhen Wukong Fan"

The monthly pass, thank you for the reward of "Once Bakan", thank you for your support! ! !

I beg everyone for your support, please!!!

Division | Bar | Three

Chapter [-] This season of April is a lie (for support)

April, a pink season, the grass is green, and the flowers that fall with the wind ball are like elves

It usually flips up and down, inadvertently fiddling with the hearts of pedestrians.

Peaceful street, everything in front of me is so familiar, familiar road, familiar

The place, the familiar... the breath of April, but in the same season, the people around me have

Sutras are human and non-human.

In the anime, Gongsheng walks on a familiar street, the surrounding scenery is the same as before, holding the

He was fascinated by a letter he read.

Sincerely...Mr. Kosei.

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