
"Don't forget me~

Easy to prove

"Okay only v


Sure enough. It's really nice to choose you!

My voice. Has it been conveyed? It's good to have it..

Mr. Gongsheng...I love you!

I'm sorry. Didn't finish the crepe you sent; I'm sorry...I keep hitting you; right?

Since. I always want the temper of the eldest lady.

Many, many things, very sorry!

Thank you, Gongsheng, I like you the most~

Lai's thoughts were thoroughly conveyed to Gongsheng at this moment, and a gift was given.

A photo of them meeting for the first time when they were five years old

Seeing this photo from ten years ago, fate...it's amazing, isn't it?

"You really are yourself. It's me who should be thanked."

The golden sunset afterglow filled the street with wine, and Gongsheng held the photo left to him in his hand

, quietly looking ahead.

The pink flower cones are flying, and Kuang's figure has faded a little bit.

"Spring. It's coming soon, the spring I met with you. It's coming, never again

Spring is coming without you

Spring is here, you were there before, but between turns, in the same season,

The only thing missing is you, "April is Your Lie".

The anime ends here (promise is good), with a letter from Ying, this spring flower

The worst April season, everything that happened was told to the public

I like you, Gongsheng stalk!

In a word, the audience in front of the screen burst into tears.

The original feeling of tears breaking down. So uncomfortable~

"Does it have to be so poignant? 1 "

"Why! Why does it have to end like this?! Could it be that there is a lover in the end?

Is it just a lie?! Is it only in fairy tales?!"

"Gong brought Gongsheng into heaven and himself into hell, this ending... this old man really


"Lies...hehe, they're all lies, what friend A, what loves A'Du, from the very beginning

It's a lie from the start, liar! Big liar!!"

"The world owes you a miracle, Fangzheng thief, I hate you!!!"

PS: I beg everyone for your support, and please!!

| voice | also

Chapter [-] lies, doomed from the beginning (for support)

"April Is Your Lie" is over, and in the blurred vision of everyone... it's over.

Finally, the audience understands everything, and many of the things they were puzzled about before are also solved

Open, everything becomes clear.

Why Gongsheng's childhood was gray, why did Ying like A'Du, why did Chun

He always said that he took care of Gongsheng as his younger brother.

Untangled, everything unraveled.

"April is Your Lie", huh.... Lie, it turns out that Fang Da has been suing him from the very beginning

Tell us, but we stupidly did not want to understand it.

Huaxin is A'Du's lie, I don't care if it's Gongsheng's lie, my brother is Chun's lie,

Loving A'Du is a lie to be buried, being harsh and harsh is a lie of my mother, and being inappropriate is a lie of a senior


It turns out that all this is a lie, everyone is lying.

"April is Your Lie", the word lie is the biggest focus of this work,

Everyone in anime is lying, maybe out of fear, maybe out of harm,

Maybe it's because of reluctance, or maybe it's because I don't want to hurt.

Lies, linking Gongsheng, Chun, Adu, Wei and others of the anime together, and finally revealing

At the moment of dawn, it is the fragrance of life and the warmth of the world.

Like the spring flowers in April, they are warm, beautiful and refreshing.

I want to eat the crepes you brought, the sound of the piano gradually starts, and my thoughts are conveyed to you;

Yu, in this beautiful April, the beautiful days are very short, but I have no choice but to part.

In April and April, the fragrance is overflowing, boys and girls cry and laugh, this is a youth festival

Tears fell, but the corner of my mouth watched you go away with a smile, regret not saying a word

'I like you'.

No chance to play again, no memory of your continued writing, I don't know why

, but always want to thank you.

Thank you, you and your lies are with me for an April, it is a short time in my life


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