But reality is reality, hospitals are not charity, even if these doctors are pitying Ding Mu

Rain can not completely exempt the other party's treatment costs.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please! ! ! .

| voice | also

Chapter [-] Bone ulceration of adults is often in an instant (seeking support


"Sorry Anping, I really don't want you to see me like this..."

For a long time, Ding Muyu was lying in Shen Anping's arms, her voice was weak and pitiful, as if

Like an abandoned cat, lovable.

"Shigua, it's my blessing that you like me."

Shen Anping hugged Ding Muyu tightly, as if to rub the other party into her body.

, people are afraid that the other party will leave him as soon as he lets go.

That day, Ding Muyu's words really made him feel that life was worse than death.

| My favorite girl is still in love with myself


"Anping, I want to be discharged from the hospital, let's go on a trip together while I can stand up.

it is good?"

Ding Muyu was lying in Shen Anping's arms, quietly feeling her body temperature and smelling her

The familiar taste and everything made her feel extremely at ease.

It was as if with this man by her side, she would forget all her troubles, and she felt very


"Want to travel?"

When Shen Anping heard Ding Muyu's words, there was a soft smile on the corner of his mouth, but his eyes were full of surprises.

It was full of gloom, and even in the depths of the pupils, there was a deep sense of despair and powerlessness.

"When you get better, I'll take you on a tour, haven't you always wanted to go to the north for a snowball fight?

? I'll take you there, and then I'll have a good time. "

After Shen Anping finished speaking, he lowered his head and gently stroked Ding Muyu's dry hair.

In the past, this girl always had black and beautiful shawl hair, but now, the hair that used to be

The smooth hair has also lost its luster.

en Dry, just like a girl, like an old man who is dying


He knew why Ding Muyu said this, and what Ding Muyu was worried about.

Both of them are ordinary families, not some rich and powerful family, just Ding Muyu now

With this condition, even if Ding Muyu's father sold all his family property, he could not make up the cost of treatment.

But Shen Anping didn't want to give up!

Thinking of "Your Lie in April", which left him the greatest impression, he hugged tightly.

Ding Muyu, he got algae, he wouldn't let Ding Muyu be like that girl named Zhan.

Jiahua ended his own life when he was still alive.

Even if he had to fight everything for this, it would be the same!

"I'm out of breath Tv

Ding Touyu could feel Shen Anping's mood, and knew that Shen Anping would give up a piece for her.


But she knew that all this was just Shen Anping's self-comfort.

She knows her condition, it is impossible to completely treat her, let alone follow-up

There is also a high cost of medical treatment.

She said without hesitation that her condition was enough to delay the luck of two well-off families.

She doesn't want to be so selfish, Shen Anping is still young, he has his own life

She couldn't let Shen Anping bear all the debt and pressure because of herself.

If that's the case, she won't be happy even if she gets better.

Shen Anping watched Ding Yingyu fall asleep in his arms, looking at the other party, it was already a little Caiyue.

Bai's face was aching like a needle stick in his heart.

Taking a deep breath, Shen Anping came out of the ward. As soon as he went out, he saw Ding Moyu's

Parents from the rest chairs on the side, their faces are full of Qiu Ji's bitter faces.

"Xiao Shen, Mu Yu, she,

"Auntie, Xiao Yulong is 7.

When the words fell, Shen Anping and Ding Che Shi's parents fell silent. What were everyone worried about?

Well, they both know each other well.

"Xiao Shen, my uncle and I both watched you and Xiao Yu come together, and we also

I understand your feelings for each other, but...you also saw Xiaoyu's situation, you...well...

Let's walk with Xiaoyu through the last part of the road. *

Ding Muyu's mother was already in tears when she said this. If possible, he would

Even if they sacrifice their lives, they will keep their daughters.

But the cost of this treatment is really too high, they really can't afford it

"Then... just forget about Xiaoyu and find another one, you still have a long way to go~

Ding Touyu's father patted Shen Anping on the shoulder and looked at Shen Anping with a complex look.



This society is very realistic, Shen Anping still doesn't give up on Xiaoyu at this time

, enough to see the sincerity of the other party.

Adversity sees the truth, Shen Anping can do this, it really proves that they didn't watch

The wrong person, Xiaoyu didn't see the wrong person, at least this man is responsible.

There are too many examples in reality. Husbands and wives are birds of the same forest, and disaster is imminent.

Fei, is this kind of thing rare?

However, Ding Muyu's father is also helpless, he has already taken his house

The mortgage is gone, but the medical expenses are still much worse.

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