"Good Director Fang."

When Chen Xianting heard Fang Zheng's words, she nodded and was ready to make coffee.

"Fang Dong, drinking coffee in the morning is not good for your health, let me make you a cup of tea~"

Hearing this, Fang Zheng raised his head and saw Zhang Siyu who pushed the door and walked in.

Follow Yang Li.

During the conversation, I saw Zhang Siyu put the document in his hand on the coffee table on the side, and then turned towards the side.

Walk to one side of your cupboard.

Jian Wang Wen

Fang Zheng watched the three women appear in his office at the same time, and finally realized that something was wrong.

It's not easy, how he thinks it feels that the three women seem to be fighting for something.

"Fang Dong said to have coffee!"

Chen Xianting looked at Zhang Siyu, tit for tat.

"Drinking coffee in the morning is not good for your health, it's better to drink tea!"

Zhang Siyu also looked directly at Chen Xianting, not giving in an inch.

Looking at the three girls over there, you look at me, I look at you, Fangzheng frowned, what is going on today?

Up to 2

"Did I say you have nothing to do with each other?"

Hearing that Fang Zheng's tone was a little off, Zhang Siyu and Chen Xianting finally stopped.

, in the end it was Yang Li who judged the situation and poured a glass of boiled water for Fangzheng.


PS: I beg the big guys for more support, and please! ! ! !

| voice | also

Chapter [-] Slime? This thing is not strong! (For support)

"April Is Your Lie" ended, and fans were a little bit at a loss.

Lai left, with regret and satisfaction, Gongsheng knocked on his gray world, with

Missing and reminiscing, for this ending, although many fans spit that Fangzheng is not a person,

But most people have accepted it in their hearts.

"Thank you, thank you Kaoru for letting me see the beauty of love~"

"Hopefully buried in another world to find my own life~"

"The world owes Lai a miracle!"

"Upstairs, isn't it a miracle from the founder of the dog thief Qian Lai?"

"Hey! Can you not mention that guy, I'll be angry when I mention him!"

"Pippi is a warning!

Even though "April Is Your Lie" has been over for a few days, but this

The popularity brought by animation has not only not fallen, but has an upward trend.

Especially some young couples who have watched this show, they are tired of playing cards and can't walk.

As if he was afraid that he would be separated forever.

And "April Is Your Lie" is a sentence with very delicate emotions, pure and simple.

It is not very good to see the emotional transformation of the characters in the plot.

Therefore, many fans go to the second brush, or even the third brush, under the repeated preview, let alone

, they really found a lot of details that they didn't notice before.

As for these people, Fang Zheng can only offer his admiration.

I don't even know how to express it.

You must know that after watching "Your Lie in April" in his previous life, this anime started

The collectors who joined him eat ashes, and every time I want to click in and review it, I will be in a frenzy.

Crossed after dismissal.

It's not because this anime is not good, nor because the plot of this anime is not strict

, but because the memory this anime gave him is too deep.

How profound is it, so profound that when he thinks of the ending of the burial, he has tears in his eyes

trend of collapse.

Therefore, in my previous life, "April Is Your Lie" was marked by Fang Zheng and will never be watched.

The second label, even if it really touched me.

He was afraid that if he watched too much, he would suffer from depression, or he would cry a lot about it one day.

General face.

Let's not mention anything else, it's really embarrassing for a big man's arrogance~!

So Fangzheng was very impressed when he knew that many fans went back to watch it again.

Stretch out his thumb.

These fans are really warriors~!

In order to express his admiration for these warriors, Fangzheng released his own

's latest work, "About My Transformation into Shim)".

what 7 ?

You ask why Fangzheng stopped bringing dog food to the audience?

Isn't this so obvious, before the ten cars blatantly called him Pipi Shrimp

This has already explained the problem.

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