For the plot arranged by Fangzheng, the old drivers showed wretched smiles one after another. Everyone

In and Liu5 know each other, but who doesn't have a "study material" file in their computer

Even if it goes a little too far, the one with a few hundred G can take out anything.


You said you don't have it in your computer?!

That must be some URLs in the phone collection!

Admit it, you are a three-good youth who loves to learn!

[I didn't expect that I would die with a virgin body, if I was reborn, I would act positively

Well, be someone who can eat 440. ]

After speaking, Si then closed his eyes forever, except for the study materials on the hard drive.

, did not take anything

Listening to Wu's words, the audience in front of the screen was a little bit hungry, and they have never pierced a girl to death.

The taste of friends, what kind of emerald curse is this~

The listeners weep! This is really tears!

However, some people ridiculed others and others were angry, and the single fans in front of the screen all bowed their heads.

Tongue, after reacting, one by one becomes Zaun's guardian of world peace, keyboard area

Gotta squirt.

"Qia, are single dogs reincarnated in such a cruel way?"

"Hehe~ I don't agree, what kind of single dog is to be subjected to this kind of wandering! The dog thief gets out and gives me a

an explanation!"

"Ming Dingduo~ As a single dog, Fang Da, I thank you so much~!"

"The department is reincarnated through another world, what kind of single dog's death method is so handsome?!"

"Fang Da, how much do you hate single dogs, single dogs eat your rice?"

In front of the screen, single fans watched Wu Na Xue's tragic death, even though they knew Wu would be reincarnated

Another world, but this method of death is still unacceptable.

Does a single dog deserve to be hurt?

It's so cruel to even die, Fang Da, you hurt the single dog so much, Liang

Wouldn't there be a little bit of pain and madness in the heart?

PS: Thank you for your support, the fish is supported! 1 1 !

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Chapter [-] Is Slime Really Weak? (For Support)

Looking at Wu's tragic way of reincarnation, many single dogs in front of the screen are unconsciously touching

Touched his back.

This way of dying by being stabbed with a knife must be very painful~

"Fangzheng thief, you don't do anything about people!"

"We are single and not dogs, but you are really not human!"

"Kyoto Single Dog Protection Association sends strong condemnation!"

"Guangzhou dog lovers are strongly condemned!"

"Some people rat tail juice!"

Wu is a 37-year-old single dog, the identity of a single dog is easy for fans to substitute for themselves.

So, the barrage exploded.

As a fluorine boss, the old bone classmate has no feeling of reincarnation, after all

People have carved it into it, and everyone understands it.

And although Tan Ya was killed by a train, at least no one saw her with her own eyes.

My own blood doesn't feel like much.

But why? 1 1!

Why is it only Wu who wants to look at his bloody palm with his own eyes, and also feel himself

The whole process of death?

Are single dogs so cruel to die?!

[It's playing, it seems to be very elastic! ]

In the dark cave with only a hint of light, a sticky mass jumped on the ground

The audience is used to listening to the sound of this voice being so different.

"I control! Who are you!"

"What about a male protagonist my age?"

"How did the pronunciation change?"

"Uncle Ming's voice is more loving~"

"Is it my delusion? Why do I feel the delusion of Yin Meng Ye?"

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