"It's over, slime just called people bald..."

"It sounds like a slime has hair~"

"This evil dragon is roaring, love love!"

The audience looked at the familiar voice, and they all reacted, looking forward to it.

Later plot development.

Slime and giant dragon, these are two completely different species, one

He is bullied by everyone, one stands at the top of the pyramid, and everyone respects

When these two creatures come together, the contrast is too strong.

And most importantly, slime actually mocking people for being bald?

If this is a normal slime, the dragon will probably blow you to the bone with a taunt.

But it is clear that the audience is not worried about Slam's safety, because the history in front of him

Lime is not an ordinary slime, they are predators~

"Go on Slime, you can turn into a dragon by swallowing each other!"

"Hey, slime is a giant dragon, isn't this evolution too fast??"

"Darwin calls out experts!"

"Get rich is just around the corner, slime, what are you hesitating about 7"

"Get rich overnight, this is how to get rich overnight~"

The audience seemed to be more anxious than the protagonist Slime, and they sent barrages to urge one by one.

The other party went up and swallowed the dragon.

Obviously, Slime did not expect that the other party could hear his inner monologue.

Hearing the dragon's words, his whole body exploded with 'hairs' and kept lingering.

And the dragon seems to just want to scare the slime away, after all according to what he said

, this cave has not come to live for a long time, it is estimated that he is just scare away


After all, a person in this dark cave, even a dragon with a long life

Creatures feel lonely too.

If you really kill the slime, who will chat with him?

Maybe the dragon himself was reluctant to kill the slime, he just wanted to solve it.

Xie Chuanger.

With the help of the dragon, the slime successfully obtained the magic perception skill, using the human's

In other words, this is your own eyes. With this thing, you can be like a normal person.

, to see things around clearly.

Slime seems happy to get Magic Sense, but the first thing he does

The audience couldn't help laughing.

I saw the slime jumping to the edge of the pool, looking at his own reflection, helpless.


"I am indeed a slime~

Listening to Slime's words, the audience went crazy with laughter, for this lovely move, many

Some people can't hold it anymore.

"Why, do you still doubt that you are not a slime?

"Hahaha, it's so real, the first thing to do to restore vision is to confirm a

under your own identity. "

"Take your eyes and see the world, the ultimate evolution of slimes!"

"This is too cute, the old man seems to hug~

The audience watched Slime's last shred of hope dashed, not only did they not feel

When it came to sympathy, they all began to laugh at the misfortune.

After all, this slime has a 'predator', which has been

more than most creatures.

[Yes~~It's a dragon!! 1 1]

The Slime who had reacted returned to the place where he was before, and the moment he raised his head, he saw

A behemoth.

The first time he saw the other party's figure clearly, the slime was in danger of not putting the

The liquid is powered by electricity.

[Then allow me to formally introduce myself, my name is Veldora, the Storm Dragon, the only person in the world

One of the four remaining dragon species. ]

Hearing this, the eyes of the audience lit up. This is a special thing for slime.

Luxurious meal~

PS: Luqiu bosses have a lot of support, please!! 1 1 .

and also

Chapter [-] Hangzhou Daily (For support)

On the third day of the broadcast of "The Thing About My Reincarnation as a Slime", a disclaimer

The news shocked many [-]D fans.

The report of [Famous Entrepreneur Fangzheng in Magic City Helping Uremic Patients] has been widely reported by many people

It was widely spread, and many people gave considerable affirmation to Fang Zheng's actions.

Even ordinary people know what kind of disease uremia is, and want to treat it

The disease is even more difficult, and organ transplantation is undoubtedly the best choice at the moment.

Organ transplantation not only has to find an organ that matches the patient, but also has to pay a high price

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