Jing looked at the modern metropolis through the memories shared by Rimuru, with a face full of expression.

of amazement and emotion.

Row upon row of high-rise buildings, huge iron towers, high-speed moving trains, in the blue sky

The plane flying freely...

Switching pictures one by one, watching the night scene of the city with thousands of firewood and thousands of reds, his tone was amazed.

"It's amazing, it's like seeing the skyscraper (aefb) abroad from a postcard

Generally, it's really nice~"

The quiet Bilimuru will suffer, the countries of that era are not at all different from those developed countries.

Fabi, the sight of such high-rise buildings, she has always seen the country in some publications.

outside view.

And through the memory sharing of Limuru, Jing knows that this is her hometown, so it turns out that

In just a few decades, my hometown has become so rich and powerful~

Looking at the buildings that only exist in my own fantasy, Jingjing dedicates to my hometown

Blessed by the sac.

"Ah~ I'm inexplicably a little sad~"

"It's really not easy for people in that era, if I can, I really want them

Take a look at our achievements today. "

"Yeah, I have worked hard for my hometown all my life, but I haven't seen any results, maybe this

It's just a pity~"

"Thanks to the efforts of our ancestors, we can have today's life, thank you~"

"Although I don't usually feel it, but looking at it now, it seems that every day in our hometown

getting stronger~"

"As a native of Xia, I am proud to see the achievements of my hometown for decades!"

Looking at Jing's expression and listening to Jing's emotion, the audience was also full of cooing.

At the beginning, I was poor and weak and was bullied by others, but after generations of people's unremitting efforts

Force, they finally stood up, no longer have to look up to others.

[I want to build a city where everyone can live peacefully in this world~]

Limuru was also a little emotional. Since he can't go back to his hometown, he will be here.

This world builds its own familiar hometown!

[Awesome, it would be great if it was successful. 】

After a long absence, I felt the changes in my hometown, and the regrets in the meditation were slightly lessened.

With Limuru's departure, the audience also saw Jing's memories, which did not

Not so happy.

Jingzhen, who was summoned, was trained as a piece of garbage that could be thrown away at any time.

practiced, and killed his childhood playmate himself because of orders.

Explosive Flame Dominator, this is the title of Jing.

This title was originally very handsome, but after the audience watched Jing's memories,

It just feels very ironic and sad.

He was summoned to another world because of a fire, and since the beginning, he has been attached to fire, and his body

Inside is buried with such a vicious thing as a curse.

As expected, the village that was still in the goblin lost control and turned into a fire spirit.

"Fuck, is this a woman turned into a man?"

"Poor Miss Jing, this should be the spirit of flame that can't be suppressed in the body~"

"Fire and burn mountains, sit in prison!"

"Rimuru: Don't panic, these are small scenes~

'Limuru, swallow this elf and rescue Miss Jing~

PS: Run and ask the big guys for more support, and please!! 1!

| sigh | also

Hit the party to share the report

Chapter [-] Animation Carnival Warming Up (For Support)

With the hit of "The Thing About My Reincarnation as a Slime", the time lapses before you know it

Has entered May.

With the passage of time, the animation carnival held by the A company that the audience is looking forward to is also getting more and more

come closer.

Speaking of this anime carnival, many [-]D fans have very strong expectations.

The feeling of waiting can be seen from the pictures that Fangzheng revealed before.

For these animation carnivals, the A~ club has made a lot of money.

The virtual battle of chariots, the Ferris wheel with the theme of "Plastic Memory", these are just for everyone

What we saw through the data published by the A company, and those who did not see it?

So everyone is looking forward to this anime carnival.

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