After saying these words, Jing, the originally black hair also instantly turned into nothing.

The pale expression of life makes the person watching it very worried.

[Miss Jing, the person who is destined for me, please sleep in my body~]]

Limuru finally complied with Jing's last wish and used his 'predator' skills to devour

Got each other.

At the same time, I also remembered the man named Leon Cromwell, even though he

Fang is one of the strongest demon kings.

"Qia, I know so well!"

"Ah~ Jing's life is really tragic."

"Yeah, in the original world, a fire lost relatives, and when I came to a different world, I was killed again.

Under a curse, it has been used as a weapon for so long. "

"Come on, Rimuru, and punch that bullshit demon king hard!"

When Jing's hair turned white, the audience knew Jing's ending.

Although very reluctant, the audience still sent their own blessings.

Ben also expressed his heartfelt condolences to someone who wrote this kind of plot.


"Fang Da, be yourself~"

"Haha, as witty as I have seen through that dog thief long ago!

"Don't let me take a chance, or you will definitely look good!!"

"Fangzheng Gouyang, what are you... I wipe? !!"

"Who is this so?"

"Ah~ I'm not wearing clothes, old man's eyes!"

. "It's over, I actually saw something I shouldn't see, I'm not pure Mingmingming~

Just when the audience scolded Fangzheng for not being human, the camera turned in the anime, and the audience

But he saw a figure with no clothes on.

The slender body, Bai Zhe's skin, and the slender waist that he holds in his hands makes people want to stop.

Matching it with long light blue hair, the audience's surprised eyes almost popped out

Not only the audience was surprised, but even Rimuru's companions were surprised.

[So Yao is…]


[This......this child is the old Limuru?

Everyone looked at Limuru in surprise, knowing that when he entered, it was still a history.

Rhyme, why are you now alone?

The change before and after is too fast, and it is a bit unacceptable to be fast.

Hearing the cry behind him, Rimuru turned around, with a good face and blue hair,

Those watery eyes...

Fine cake!

It's a heartwarming feeling!

"I control, the old man was actually picked up by a man~

"Is this the legendary side face killing? Love, love!"

Why did Limuru turn into a humanoid, why is it so...

"Ming Mingming, the old man has been single for a long time, and I feel so clear when I look at a fake mother.

"Cute, think... cough cough~

"Upstairs, something is wrong with you!"

"So, is Rimuru's body male or female?"

The audience looked at the side face of Limzhen's turn, and they all felt a heartbeat.

Some speed up, this kind of feeling is like... finding my other half.

However, it is precisely because they are in this mood that they feel very awkward.

and shame.

'I'm so convinced, Fang Da, you're a real dog!'

"Why did you draw Limuru so beautifully, how can you let me live~

"Purely to see our jokes isn't it?!!"

"Dog thief, you won, I admit that my heart is moved, I am a change!"

"Ming Mingming, the old man has lost his face, he is bent~

PS: Lu Qiu bosses have a lot of support, Duo asked 1 1 1 1 .

bag also

Reward share report

Chapter [-] I'm Fierce, I Cannibalize People (For Support)

In the end, Jing still left, and the audience was also a little depressed.

After all, everyone still likes the girl Jing very much, especially for her

Tragic experience, many people responded with sympathy.

"Isn't what happened to you? Wake up, look at Limuru's belly, above

But it's full of words like "I'm fierce, I eat people"~"

Suddenly, an eye-catching colorful barrage crossed, and the audience directly sprayed it when they saw it.

This is one of the few people who see colorful balls on the anime play page, colorful balls

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