And as the animation carnival is approaching, the word-of-mouth and prestige of company A is also in full swing

, Under this circumstance, Company A suddenly sent a batch of buses to Demon Transportation Company.

Greatly satisfied the vanity and pride of some people.

For this move, Fang Zheng can only say a fairy dress to Zhang Siyu, this woman is really

It takes people's burdens very well.

"By the way, Dong Fang, when I was buying buses before, I ran into a few auto companies.

The person in charge of this business, they deliberately or unintentionally detained and wanted to cooperate with our 857A society


Zhang Siyu seemed to remember something, looked at Fang Zheng and said

As for whether those car manufacturers met by chance, and whether the attitude of cooperation was intentional or unintentional,

This is what the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom.

Bi Zhang automobile industry is more or less related to the above, and it is closely related to the above.

If you are a company or a company, you have to think about it for a while.

"What to Collaborate 3"

"To the car!"

Fang Zheng heard Zhang Siyu's answer, and his brain was running fast.

Zhang Siyu told him before that the private car promotion plan is different in the Mobu area.

It has been very smooth, but the promotion progress outside Guangdu is very slow.

Moreover, the pain car modification chain stores in the magic city are all the stores under the A company. Among them

The profit founder is very clear.

Why is the promotion outside Guangdu bogged down?

This question is a bit intriguing~

The corner of Fangzheng's mouth is slightly raised, the current environment is like this, the industry is sluggish, and the car dealership

Industry is naturally the same.

Even many car brands have to cut prices for sales (aech), and

The benefit is not small.

It seems that these manufacturers have realized the profit problem behind the pain car.

I am afraid that there are factors from these manufacturers too.

Fang Zheng smiled slightly at this, and after he wanted to understand everything, he couldn't say how much he felt in his heart.


He didn't intend to get involved in the auto industry, or he didn't intend to get involved in the second

Any industry that has nothing to do with dimensions.

Human energy is limited. As a sole proprietorship, Company A cannot compete with those big companies.

Like the group, it involves various fields, and he does not have that great ability and energy.

So although the profit behind the modification of the pain car is very considerable, he has not

I would like to develop in this direction.

One is that his energy is limited, and the other is that he knows that people need to be content.

The higher you stand, the farther you can see. With the growth of company A, Founder's reasoning for this

The solution is getting deeper and deeper, so he doesn't want to engage in monopoly, and he will never stop any

Anyone or any company joins the secondary industry.

The same is true for opening to traffic, rather than offending car manufacturers for the profits behind those painful cars

, or some people above, it is better to cooperate with each other generously.

In this way, I can not only save energy and concentrate on the development of the animation industry, but also

No one can say whether it is a loss or a profit to get the authorization fee.

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng's eyes narrowed slightly, the cooperation with the car yard is far more than pain.

Car modification is so easy.

In fact, in Fangzheng's view, these car manufacturers have a lot of shortsightedness after all.

There are many more projects that can be collaborated.

For example, a car for a two-dimensional group can carry the voice of a certain character in an animation.

Sound system, the car can also be matched with the original fan peripherals.

If the pain car modification is aimed at the appearance of the car, then Founder's next step is the car

Internally, even the system cooperation project on the car.

After cooperating on various projects, it is estimated that I will be soft on the licensing fee.

Fangzheng's mouth was smiling, and the smile was getting bigger and bigger.

Although he is not disgusted with such secret actions of car manufacturers, it does not mean that he will


Want to collaborate?

Yes, you can come over and talk to me, and you want me to come to the door in person and get on the pole

Looking for cooperation with you?

Hehe...No way!

Car manufacturers are indeed behemoths, and neither relationship nor resources should be small.

, but it also depends on who you are comparing with.

Compared with Club A, Fangzheng is not bragging, he is really true to the other party.

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