I'm an anchor who doesn't know as much as a layman. I'm afraid it won't spread out.

To be laughed out loud!

Shen Xiyao didn't know that her food affairs had been used as a talking point by the audience in the live broadcast room.

After a long time, Shen Xiyao stabilized her emotions, looked at the staff in front of her and said: "

That...can I ask you to help me shoot for a while?"


After finishing the live broadcast, Shen Xiyao took the staff to the side of the team,

Lined up.

It didn't take long for Shen Xiyao to walk into the store with the staff.

The dazzling array of clothes on the shelves inside the shop was shocking.

Clothes, wigs, armor, and even weapons, you name it.

"I control, is that armor over there the same style as Big Brother and Tazmi?"

"And that weapon, is it Hill's scissors~"

"Look at the left, is that little loli dressed up as Shuangya?"

"Although she looks like it, but Tan Ya's Yan Yi lacks some sense..."

"The anchor, go and turn around and see if there is no one with a high degree of similarity, or if God restores it. 77


"The anchor took a few pictures for me, and I have opened the Captain for you~!"

The live broadcast room is densely populated with barrages. Looking at these various clothes, armors, etc.,

The family is all excited, and I can't wait to go there and try it on myself.

However, the audience in the live room is just thinking about it, if they can really go to the scene

, and will no longer watch the live broadcast in the live room.

Shen Xiyao is like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, she feels very new to see anything.


Touch this, look at that, but in the end I couldn't hold back, and decided to experience it myself

a bit.

But before that, Shen Xiyao found a staff member in the store and asked about these

What happened to the clothes.

"Excuse me, what's the matter with these clothes?"

_.Shen Xiyao looked at the staff in front of her and had to say that these staff were of extremely high quality.


Even if he was busy and didn't have time to rest, he didn't have the slightest bit about Shen Xiyao's problems.

He was impatient, but with a gentle smile on his face, it made people feel very comfortable.

"You mean these clothes?" The clerk walked to the side shelf and pointed to the clothes above.

Fu said: "These are the ideas of our Director Fang. According to our Director Fang, this is called

Do cosplay. "


Shen Xiyao looked at the other party with a puzzled expression, not understanding what it meant.

"Cosplay is the abbreviation of CostumePlay in English, in our words it is

Role-playing, using clothes, accessories, props or makeup to play anime, games, etc.

role in the product. "

The clerk patiently introduced the meaning of cosplay to Shen Xiyao, so that the other party could understand.

"And the fans you see are playing cosplay, we Fang Dong call them C

osplayer, also known as Coser!"

After listening to the clerk's introduction, Shen Xiyao finally understood what was going on.

Cosplay is no stranger to the vast number of two-dimensional fans in the previous life. For Cosplay

The origin of play, everyone has always believed that its birthplace is Xuhong.

However, this is the view of the two-dimensional fan circle. In a broad sense, its origin will be

Earlier, after all, Cosplay is just 'playing' in a broad sense.

""Then, is there anything I need to pay attention to in this cosplay? I see some people playing

Some people are very similar, some people are average. "

Shen Xiyao understood what was going on, so she couldn't wait to look at the clerk, thinking

To experience it.

Facing Shen Xiyao's question, the clerk seemed to know that the other party would ask such a question.


Obviously, Shen Xiyao is not the first person to ask such a question.

"The simplicity and difficulty of Cosplay are actually different from Cosplayers, if you want to be simple,

Then you can wear a piece of clothing and make up at will, but if you want to COS it is very (

aeci) like, or the pursuit of reduction, then cosplay is difficult. "

The clerk said, and brought Shen Xiyao to a floor-to-ceiling mirror in the hall.

"Cosplay can be divided into several steps, first of all you have to do basic homework, familiar with

You want some details of the character of Cos, then buy or design and make Cos yourself

Clothing, you also need to prepare props, wigs, accessories, etc., and you must be proficient in certain

Makeup Tips. "

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