So many fans who choose to travel by car have eaten and drunk in major fan groups, looking forward to someone

Go with 157 in a group. It is best if you can drive. Everyone takes turns to be the driver. This way

As a result, the moment you arrive at the magic capital will be greatly saved.

Not to mention, when someone in the fan group proposed this method, it instantly won a lot of people

feedback, after all, for today's society, private cars are nothing new


Shen Xiyao didn't know the huge waves on the Internet, she was standing at the front of the crowd at this time

, The head of the site looked in the direction of the gate, feeling a little excited.

As long as this group of tourists come out, it will be her turn to go in and visit.

Finally, under the expectant gaze of Shen Xiyao, the door of the planetarium was opened, and a group of fans

Si slowly walked out from the inside.

However, before Shen Xiyao was happy, she saw a problem that made her a little disappointed.

That is the tourists who come out. Both men and women seem to have red eyes, and even some

People's eye sockets have begun to swell a little.

In some couples, the girl was sobbing in her boyfriend's arms while walking.

This situation made Shen Xibiao a little dumbfounded, but after a little thought, he understood what was going on.

As for this result, what should I say, it is beyond expectation, after all

The tearjerker of "Dream" is obvious to all.

PS: Luqiu bosses all support it, please! ! !

| sigh | also

Hit the party to share the report

Chapter [-] It's nice to see you again (for support)

Shen Xiyao followed the crowd and walked slowly towards the planetarium, just like in the anime,

As soon as you enter the door, there is an elevator going straight up.

Slowly stretched out her feet before getting on the elevator. As the crowd moved upwards, Shen Xiyao actually had a feeling

Inexplicable tension.

At this moment, she was suddenly a little afraid to see that girl again.

nn Congratulations, you are the [-] millionth visitor to our museum

Shen Xiyao had just walked to the entrance of the planetarium, and before she could react, she suddenly heard

There was a voice that was very familiar to her.

Hearing this unique voice, Shen Xiyao's eyes were a little red.

How could she forget this familiar voice, this is not the pitiful robot

Did the girl just start talking?

Chang Ran didn't know why the original '[-] million' became '[-] million',

But maybe it's because the word "two hundred and five" is very unfriendly to Chinese people.

"Oh, I'm really hallucinating."

Shen Xiyao shook her head, she felt that she might be because of excitement, or because she still

He had auditory hallucinations without getting rid of the influence of hypoxia just now.

However, Shen Xiyao didn't react, but the fans in the live broadcast room could see clearly

"Fuck, what did I see 7!!"

"Hoshino Yume! Is that Yume?"

"I'm not dreaming~ Is that really Hoshino Yumi?

I can't help it anymore, I want to go to Modu, Zhu Yuan, and Tian immediately

Do you form a group? It is estimated that you can’t buy a ticket, but you can still travel by car

"Take me one, I have a driver's license!"

Fans in Zong’s live broadcast room exploded. Looking at the familiar figure in front of the camera, everyone was boiling

Light blue, starry-colored long hair, big emerald eyes, and the

The blue and white uniform that impresses countless people.

This is not Hoshino Yumei, who else can it be? 1

For fans, Hoshino Yume brings them more than just the dazzling C.

Starry sky and the embarrassing remnant, as well as his first dream of stepping into the second dimension.

It is this cherished robot girl who uses her bewitching body to show fans

Created the future of anime.

How could they possibly forget?!

Just as Shen Xili was about to walk forward, she suddenly heard the crowd talking behind her.

some doubts

"I'm really sorry, but it's not, the guest should be the 2517288th guest, although

However, this data may not be very accurate.

Shen Xiyao heard this familiar voice for the second time, and she suddenly felt a slight tingle in her heart.

Trembling, even with the body can not help but a little stiff.

She was suddenly a little scared, afraid that she would turn around and be empty, and she would be happy for nothing.

"This guest? You...

The third time she heard the voice that made her dream, Shen Xili finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He turned his body sharply and spread out between Kongming.

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