Fangzheng gave Tai Du a big look, let's experience it yourself~

He had been with Qin Momo several times before. If Qin Hefan is still not sure, then

You can really say goodbye to this game.

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Qin Sudong's eyes lit up.

She didn't hear anything else, but the "out-of-print figure" could hear it very clearly!

PS: Thank you for "Crazy," Emperor Feiyang, "Crazy World Three^, *A small wood appointment,"

Orange@", "Yaoling" monthly ticket support, thank you for your support!!

I beg Dahua for your support, and please! ! .

time | voice | also

The three hundred and forty-eighth chapter will bully you, and the three sudden will not turn around (for support)

"I'll talk to you, where is that Pipi hiding?"

"I don't know, we haven't found any sign of each other on Hessen Peak!"

"We didn't even see the big wash fan group! "

"Truth Fans did not find target 1"

"I'm really drunk, don't talk about that Pipi shrimp, I didn't even see a loquat father 2!"

The player made a big circle here, but let alone put it right, there is not even a ghost shadow.

have seen.

A battle field of Nuoda, as if it was just the ninety-nine chariots of their players,

No one else exists at all.

"Do you think it's possible that Fang Da Da didn't fly the 1S-2 at all?"

At this time, Shen Xiyao, who had been following behind the big team, took the radio in the car.

, said softly.

She had been a little suspicious for a long time. With Fangzheng's personality, how could he come up?

reveal your identity?

Isn't this just like playing a werewolf and saying that you are a prophet, waiting to be knifed?

Shen Xiyao's voice fell, and Tian Zhiwei, who was sitting in the driver's seat, shouted,

The lethality of that high-decibel voice is not generally strong.

Even Shen Xiyao was dumbfounded.

"Sister Yaoyao, you are too smart, why didn't I think of it, that Pipi shrimp must be

Can't drive 1S-2, maybe he has already changed to a tank to hide among us. "

The more Tian Zhiwei thought about it, the more she thought it was possible, after all, Fangzheng's skin was famous.

Hide among them and watch them spin around like headless flies, that's true


Youdao is the most dangerous place is the safest place, maybe Fangzheng is hiding in them

In the middle, seeing that they were still foolishly searching the map, they were already laughing and laughing.

"Cough, everyone, report your car and number to each other!"

"Yes, yes, the truth fans should be on guard, don't be caught in the muddy waters of that Pipi shrimp.


"The big wash fan group is also on alert, the enemy may be among us!"

"It's not that you are on guard or ready, why are you aiming the turret at us~ r?

"Forgive me, brother, it's an extraordinary time!"

Following Shen Xili's guess, the player group began to be suspicious of ghosts.

Instead of trusting like before, he began to be wary of his companions.

Especially between the scattered players and different fan groups, the turret is turned around, you stare at me and me

All you, there is a tendency to be ready to fire at any time

/I’m so smug, are these people pigs?!”

"Nima Fang hasn't found it yet, but he's inside, absolutely!"

"I've appointed someone to my grandma's house, I beg you to use your brains, okay?

"Who is in charge of commanding, and how did he achieve the commanding position?

"I can't do it anymore, I really can't stand it anymore, I'm about to be raped by them~

Fans outside the stadium saw the scene of this slide show through the big screen, and they were all face-lifting.


It is simply the face of their fan base. If Nima wants to spread it out, they are two-dimensional fans.

How are the people in the silk circle messing around~

At that time, let's not talk about killing Fangzheng's thief's spirit, if you don't laugh at the other party, you will be angry.

It's a cut high fragrance.

Fans outside the field complained, and player Joe made a group on the field.

At this time, Fang Zheng is the queen who has already moved credit to the player group.

,, when the time is poisoned, I saw Yu Tiao Jiucheng 29's three bursts, he didn't load, give me a note


Fangzheng stopped the chariot, and the location he chose was very particular.

The hillside has a wide view, and there are bushes on one side, which can be avoided at any time.

Why do you want to hit three bumps?"

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