Tian Zhihe looked at the back of the chasing alone, jumped and shouted.

After eliminating Shen Xigeng, Fangzheng only listened to the song in a happy mood, and then slowed down your life.

Turn you in four rounds of the main battlefield

Finally, the sound of the main battlefield slowly became sparse, and Fangzheng made a big show

The main battlefield is devastated by the chasing

When he arrived at the scene, as expected by Fangzheng, there were few surviving chariots.

With the silent cooperation and superb skills of Fangzheng and Qin Momo, several chariots under the advantage

The one who was beaten had no power to fight back, it was simply a killing on one side.

In the end, the desert chaser who Fang Zheng refuted easily won the championship, and Tai Sa watch also won the championship.

As wished, he got his favorite champion reward, an out-of-print figure.

The curtain of Bi Village ended with Fangzheng's victory, and the players in the field were difficult to beat.

They feel that they are being wanted by Fang Zheng.

Game experience bribe chicken difference 1

From the beginning to the end, they were being led by the Fangzheng Mansion.

Everyone left the venue in dismay, and arrived at the venue under the leadership of the staff.


Although the fans outside the arena are not convinced, they are also deeply aware of Fang Zheng's scheming.

Admired, and Fang Zheng also proved it with his actual actions.

The chariot battle game requires tactics.

Players are a living example.

The players watching the game were disheartened, and the fans outside the field were all very young.

Fang Zheng couldn't even mention how comfortable he was.

He swaggered to the top of the previous stage and stood in front of the microphone.

Seeing Fang Zheng's actions, the fans at the scene twitched.

Based on their understanding of Fangzheng, if there is no accident, this product will be skinned again.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!! Righteousness.

| voice | also

Chapter [-] I know a good place to eat (for support)

Sure enough, Fang Zheng stood in front of the microphone with a smile on his face, looking at the surroundings.

The arrogant player was full of anger.

"Cough cough, thanks to everyone's love, I am very grateful for handing over the champion!"

Fang Zheng's words made those players dumbfounded.

Are we so in love with you?

Are we handing the champions together?

If you hadn't tried to cheat, we would have lost so humiliatingly?!

The players looked at Fangzheng, and they still underestimated each other for this Pipi Shrimp.


Really, they shouldn't believe Fangzheng's integrity in the first place, or the other party simply doesn't

No manners.

He said that he was driving a 1S-2 as an IS-2. He should have thought that Fangzheng would play such a trick.

In the final analysis, they are too naive, and the losers are not wronged~

"Two Four Seven" But looking at Fang Zheng's abominable handsome face, the fans were angry.

"Dog thief, you are going to cheat!"

"What about Loquat Father 2? Why are you driving the Stalker?!"

"It's useless to go there, and if you have the ability, just face it!"

"As long as you want some conspiracy and tricks, you don't do anything about people~!"

"Fang Da, I love you so much, may I give you a punch?!"

The fans screamed loudly. Although they lost, they lost very politically, but

Everyone is not angry because they lost the game.

After all, who was to blame for Fang Zheng's tricks when he didn't have any tactics in the game?

The fans are not angry that they lost, but that Fangzheng is just treating them like monkeys

Yes, and after the event, he still had such a wicked, cheap smile on his face.

It's unbearable!

"First of all, isn't this called a promise?"

Hearing the fans' words, the smile on Fangzheng's face became even brighter, and he was about to bloom.


"Have you heard of Bing Buxiao? And if you say I'm useless, I won~!"

Zhuan Fangzheng looked at the crowd around him, the corners of his mouth were slightly the same, giving people a sense of wealth to his bones.


How can there be such a cheap person in the world!

"I see the sky is just here to teach you a lesson and tell you that there are tactics in the game,

Especially in this kind of large-scale melee, it is not advisable to just rely on one piece to change the strength. "

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