Haven't had time to resolve it yet.

Hearing Shen Xiyao's words, Tian Zhiwei also instantly felt that she was hungry and punished.

Xiyao hurriedly nodded in agreement with Xiyao's proposal.

"Sister Yaoyao, I know a good place to eat, I'll take you there~

PS: Thanks to "No?? Name", "Sin", "Master President", *Moyu. The other shore", "198

00", "Nan Cong Da Ren Ai Da "Flying", "Burying Soul Black", "Pictures in Misty Rain", "Wind" Moon

Ticket support, thank you guys!!!

I beg the big guys for more support, and please!!!

Division | Bar | Three

Chapter [-] Admiral Restaurant (seeking support)

Shen Xiyao was also curious about where Tian Zhiwei said a good place to eat, and immediately

Just nodded in agreement.

Along the way, Shen Xiyao knew that all the shops and activities of the Anime Carnival carried ten

Divided into strong two-dimensional elements, this place to eat is naturally indispensable.

Theme restaurant, this is the common sign of many shops in the animation carnival

And Tian Zhiwei said that a good place to eat is probably this kind of themed restaurant~

The whole disease is self-inflicted and straight, such as the place where the other party said to eat

"Hey hey, we are going to eat now, do you envy Mo?"

Tian Zhiwei took the live broadcast equipment and said to the water friends in the live broadcast room as she walked.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were a little speechless. They found that they could not tell the difference.

Who is the presenter.

Since Tian Zhiwei took over the live broadcast equipment, the style of this live broadcast room changed instantly.

Its speed is astonishing.

When Shen Xiyao was on the live broadcast before, her style was still quite satisfactory, and she patiently gave her

The audience introduced the animation carnival, such as what activities are more interesting, and what are the rules of the game

So, how much does it cost, and whether it's worth it.

Although the commentary's style seems to be very good, but in addition to Shen Xiyao's appearance

However, the condition of the live broadcast room is still very good.

But since Tian Zhiwei took over the live broadcast equipment, the audience was dumbfounded.

If they remember correctly, since this girl took over the live broadcast equipment, it seems that

It has never stopped.

Although the camera in the live broadcast room was always facing the front, facing Shen Xiyao, the audience's ears

All the words I heard were the voice of this idiot.

When they see anything interesting, they all yell, and then hurriedly ran forward, giving

They have a [-]-degree close-up with no dead ends.

Whether they like it or not, the girl herself explained it very well.

It's not so much a live broadcast, it's better to say that Tian Zhiwei regards the live broadcast as her own record shot

Take photos and choose the live broadcasts you are interested in.

And this guy seems to have completely forgotten his promise to make Fangzheng go bankrupt.

All kinds of large and small bags were purchased along the way, if not for the staff who came to help him save

Items, it is estimated that she can fill a pickup truck with everything she buys.

Moreover, Tian Zhipu has never introduced the price of commodities to the audience, and will not talk about it.

Is something worth buying or experiencing?

In her words, didn't you come to Anime Luxury just for entertainment?

Instead, it's entertainment, so what are you still doing?

Hearing this wise saying, the audience was speechless.don't know what to say

It is true that Huawei is happy to come to animation this year, in order to experience different happiness

, if you have to think about your wallet all the time to participate in the animation training years, then you play

A woolen pro~

Don't think too much about it when you come out to play, just relax with your whole body and mind!

At this time, the water friends in the live broadcast room heard that Tian Zhiyu actually extended their vacation to them and wanted to eat lunch.

, one by one, the bright angles are pumped straight.

"To be honest, I'm not half-motivated at all, and I'm even a little bit hungry~

"I'm afraid you're not a jerk, it's past three o'clock in the afternoon, how about a normal person?

Haven't had lunch yet?"

'Qianmo? It doesn't exist, I just ordered a Ponderji at noon, and it was delicious!

/I'm really curious, what else can you eat when you eat?"

“Envy is discordant, because we have already eaten!”

The water friends in the real broadcast room have been careful to remember each other, and they have also seen that this Tian Zhi Chegen

She wasn't as pretentious as ordinary girls, but she was very obvious.

So the water friends are not too restrained when they talk to her, but they are inexplicably close.


"Humph, you are all out of touch now, and you will definitely be extremely

True fragrance law none of you can escape.

Tian Zhiyu watched the live broadcast and asked a group of water friends to make 'impossible' and "absolutely impossible" bullets.

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