A little speechless.

When it comes to this anime, they feel uncomfortable.

"Sister Yaoyao, let me ask you a question!"

Tian Zhiwei looked at Shen Xiyao with a little expectation in her eyes.

"Why are you being so polite? What question? Just ask~"

Seeing that Shen Xiyao agreed, Tian Zhiwei turned her head, put her hand on her chin, and her eyes were lost.

looking at the night sky outside.

0…' ask for flowers

"Sister Yaoyao, who do you want Si's new partner to be?"

At the end of "Plastic Memory", I once gave Si's new partner a close-up,

The Internet is also full of justice for Si's new partner.

One side said that it was Ella, and the other said that it was not Ella, and they both took out everything.

so-called evidence.

But from Shen Xiyao's point of view, it doesn't matter whether it's Ella or not, after all, Ella left

Her memory is the most precious.

"No options?"

Shen Xiyao looked at Tian Zhiwei with a smile, she didn't understand that this terrified girl was so scared.

What suddenly became so emotional.

"Any option?" Tian Zhiwei said after looking at the scenery outside the window.

"A: Ella. B: Ella. C: Ella. D Ella."

After listening to Tian Zhiwei's words, Shen Xiyao looked at the other party helplessly, she suddenly felt like Tian Zhiwei

The illusion of being coquettish in anger.

These four options are Ella, how do you want me to choose?

"I'm close, the local tyrant is not stupid~"

"The four choices are all Ella. Miss, is there something on your mind?"

'I'm leaning towards Ella too~

"If there is love in the sky, the sky is also old, I will add hundreds of millions to Ella.*

The water friends in the live broadcast room are also a little speechless. Is this a multiple choice question?

You are clearly filling in the blanks!

,, "Zhi Li, if the story was doomed from the beginning, would you choose to continue?

Shen Xiyao did not answer, but instead asked the other party

1 Looking at Li Tianxia's full face, I don't even know that the knife end Liu is in the game.


"Sister Yaoyao, let's go to the martial arts hall later, the performance will start at eight o'clock, we

Let's go together~!

Tian Zhizhen's love came and went quickly, and it didn't take long for her to recover.

She lost her previous informal character, and the change was so fast that it made people laugh and cry.

"Then I have to wait until I find a good place to stay~

Session, Shen Er looked at each other from day to day, just playing, do you plan to die in history?

"Relax, I rented a camper right at the "Shake Electric Camping" outdoor park.

Place, where we go to watch the stars at night!"

PS: Lu Qiu, everyone, please support me, and please 1 !! Ding

axis also

Reward share report

Chapter [-] This beautiful one is fouled (for support)

Shen Xiyao couldn't hold Tian Zhiwei, so she could only follow her towards the martial arts hall.

Along the way, Tian Zhengkui completely forgot the sadness just now, just like a happy elf.

Jumping around like a carefree little kid.

Finally, Shen Xiyao and Tian Zhiwei felt the martial arts hall, and the scene at the scene made Shen Xiyao again and again

times dumbfounded.

She wondered if she had become attached to the crowd, or else how would she go, where would she go?

There are so many people.

What followed was a long queue. Shen Xiyao stood in the queue and sighed helplessly.

Tone, she was either in line or on the way to line all day today.

Inside the martial arts hall, Fang Zheng sneaked in through the back door and saw

Qin Hefan in makeup.

"Urine garlic, how's it going?

, "Fang Dong, don't worry, everything is ready, make sure to let those people eat

Surprise! L"

Qin "Three Two Three" and Fan said with a smile when they saw Fang Zheng.

Hearing this, Fang Zheng nodded with satisfaction, and then a makeup artist began to look at him.

side walk.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the performance of the Budokan started on time.

Yang Li, the former host of Magic Capital TV, once again made a cameo role as Lao Ben

Okay, standing on the stage in full costume, holding a microphone in his hand.

"Everyone in the audience, everyone in front of the screen, good evening everyone!"

The performance of Budokan is officially broadcast live on the platform of A company, which is also one of the few

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