For the reasons of education and fans' philosophy of life, Fangzheng has been skinny for a long time, the key is the previous

The audience who was asked by the play was embarrassed to refute, after all, their previous performance was too special

Sweep people.

After calling his wife and goddess for a long time, this guy turned into Pippi.

In this case, they are already thick-skinned without finding a ground seam to dig in. Who cares?

Will not have long eyes to jump out and act as the first bird.

Looking at Fang Zheng's high-spirited skinny and cheap on stage, the audience who was teased could only hold back their anger.

Know the sound.

Although they were gnashing their teeth in anger, they did not dare to attack. They have already

It's embarrassing enough, we can only wait for the follow-up, and slowly look for opportunities for revenge

After all, it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, and there will be opportunities in the future.

Many fans who were broken at the scene have already decided to give this skin immediately after returning.

Pi yesterday mailed a wave of local products to let this guy know that they wouldn't be willing to give up easily.

Fang Zheng was on the stage for a long time, watching the fans under the stage with a speechless expression.

The expression finally stopped with satisfaction.

There is only one word to describe Fangzheng's mood at this time, that is cool!

Unparalleled cool!

This group of fans usually serve very well, when have they been so well-behaved, today is regarded as

He was subordinated to the opportunity.

Fang Zheng, who was finished, looked at the fan who said he wanted to sing for him before, and signaled

Opponent takes the stage.

After a simple self-introduction, Fang Zheng left the center of the stage, retreated to the edge, and

I left it to my true love fan

Looking at the back of this fan, Fang Zheng smiled contentedly.

It feels so good to have a true love fan~

"Hello everyone, my name is Li Qingyuan, I'm just an ordinary two-dimensional fan, and

It's just an ordinary member of Fang Da's fans. I can see Fang Da Da today.


Li Qingyuan is not sexual at all, standing on this big stage with hundreds of thousands of people, instead

Appears to be graceful and generous

05. Zhixu flower 5

Generally speaking, on a stage of this size, not to mention ordinary people, but some

Singer stars do not necessarily control the living place.

But Li Qingyuan's performance is eye-catching.

"To be honest, Chang Ranfang is often skinny and often against us, but I really

I admire Fang Dada, he is a very talented and creative person, especially I am happy

Harmony. During Fang Da's dance just now, I felt that I wanted to sing a song for Fang Da.

The song, the singing may not be very good, please bear with me!

On the edge of the stage, Fang Zheng stood side by side with Yang Gong, and when she heard Li Qingyuan's words, Yang Li turned her head

Looking at Fangzheng, he said softly

"Listening to your fans, don't you feel crazy at all?

Fangzheng casually reconciled all the bureaus. It is impossible to be ashamed of makeup, and it is impossible in this life.

In his view, this is just a means of getting along with his fans.

Just like you and your familiar buddies, don’t you often joke and talk nonsense?

The same is true of Fangzheng, he did not want to separate himself from fans, or let fans

Si feels that she has a sense of distance and class from them

Of course, the skin is the essence, and from the audience's impression, he

Pi's seems to be a success.

During the time of speaking, Li Qingyuan on the stage has already begun to feel acetic acid.

"Today, after seeing Fang Da's women's clothing "The Pure Land of Bliss", I was greatly inspired.

The name of the song I prepared for Fangda is called..."

The scene was a little quiet, including Fang Zheng, everyone wanted to know if Li Qingyuan was right

What songs have you prepared, even at the Budokan of the Anime Carnival.

""The Mountain Full of Chrysanthemums"!"


Hearing the title of the song, Yang Li couldn't help laughing out, and the flowers trembled.

And Fang Zheng's face turned green when he heard the title of the song.

Nima, do you want such a heavy taste?!

I don't think I just dressed as a woman. Are you so scary?!

At this moment, the lyrics are no longer important, the song name has already explained everything.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please! ! ! Chuan.

time | S |

Reward share report

Chapter [-] is over, the skin is on my own (seeking support)

Hearing this outrageous song title, Fang Zheng's face immediately turned green.

He feels that he is too naive, and he can't believe any of these so-called true fans!

Last time, some people said that it was their true fan, but I ended up accepting it in front of so many people

A box of knives.

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