The animation carnival has received more than [-] million tourists in ten days, and the total revenue is in two

About [-] billion, this figure has seriously exceeded her previous estimate.

Although she knew that the anime carnival would definitely be very popular, but she never thought about it

It will be so hot.

If this report is released, I am afraid that many people will say that their company A is making false accounts.

Crazy to make money.

However, 480, which seems like a daydream, is indeed true.

There is no falsification in the slightest, it is completely calculated by the various departments below.

Although there may be errors, it will not have much impact on the overall score.


At this moment, Zhang Siyu looked at Fangzheng with admiration. Fangzheng had planned to condemn the giant

When funding the construction of these projects, she once objected.

But now it seems that, in terms of vision, Fangzheng is still more vicious and sophisticated.

Thinking about the previous period, company A invested in the animation carnival between [-] and [-] years ago.

The pill is about one billion, which is definitely a very large expense for any enterprise.

If it was a different person, Li was afraid that she would be embarrassed again and again in the face of a project involving so much money.

But Fangzheng is different, or rather unique.

The project of Anime Years is almost the product of Fangzheng's hard work.

Do whatever comes to her mind, then let her estimate how much money to break into, and then

With one wave, the finance department allocates money.

It can be said that from the beginning to the end, Fangzheng has never felt bad for his father (sedb)

Facts have also proved that Fangzheng's vision is long-term enough, it is just an animation training time,

In just ten days, Company A has made a net profit of [-] billion.

Almost a quarter of the upfront investment came back.

This is ten days, and the results in just ten days are so appalling!

Although it has not fully returned to the original, but people with discerning eyes can see that it is only a matter of time.


You must know that a large part of Founder's funds has been invested in the theme construction of various animations.

Buildings have gone, and these buildings are not to say that only these ten days will generate income.

To put it bluntly, these projects have become a kind of real estate, which is generated all the time

Profits, as long as there are tourists, there will be profits.

And to take a ten thousand steps back, even if the income of these buildings is not enough on weekdays, but

Is there another anime carnival?

In addition to the Anime Carnival, there is also the Anime Carnival in December.

Therefore, the hidden and long-term benefits of the building complex built by Fangzheng are immeasurable.

Village Zhe is Zhang Zhuan and Xia Xunran telegraphed how much funds these projects will bring to Company A


And in addition to these benefits that can be seen by the eyes, the second best thing brought by the animation training years

The place is the complete explosion of the A company Kouhara.

With the popularity of animation in the New Year, the reputation of company A is also getting bigger and bigger, which is definitely better than

Any marketing advertisement comes quickly, and the effect of the advertisement is immediate.

In the past few days, I don't know how many venture capital funds have called her.

It is intended to use hundreds of millions of funds in exchange for [-]% or even less of the shares of Company A

Zhang Siyu also reported this issue to Fangzheng before, and Fangzheng made an understatement.

Written "Are we short of money, this matter is completely settled.

And Zhang Siyu himself knows that there are not many people out there who are jealous of the profitability of company A.

, but only because Company A is a sole proprietorship of Fangzheng, it can only sigh with admiration.

I don't raise financing, I don't share shares, what can you do with me

No matter what the wind and rain are outside you, our company A will not move like a mountain, you can't force it-~

Moreover, Fangzheng has repeatedly emphasized that he does not engage in any monopoly, and he welcomes more companies to join

into the two-dimensional circle.

But everyone can see clearly that now the two-dimensional circle A is definitely a dominant company, and

And it still exists at the Big Mac level. In this case, even if a company wants to enter, the muscle

I'm afraid I will think about it.

"Fang Dong, what should we do next?"

Zhang Siyu herself was a little confused. Although she knew that the profitability of company A was very strong,

But never felt so strong.

Previously, all the money of company A was invested in various projects, so she did not have much money

I feel that, because company A earns more and spends more, comprehensively, its ability to benefit is also high.

Not so outrageous.

But at the moment, the company suddenly leased out more than [-] billion more funds, Zhang Siyu suddenly

Some don't know what to do next.

"First of all, there is no doubt that we made money, so we took out a sum of money to set up

A charitable fund, a charitable fund, you personally send someone over to watch, I don't want to hear anything

What a discrediting thing!"

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