"Second battalion commander! Bring out Lao Tzu's mind and face, and give the friendly army a taste of it!"

"Don't be watched, in a real game company, nine out of ten are rough guys.


"The company of others, the leaders of others, and then look at my company, I want to return

It's resignation and forget it!!"

"Strangers, a word for you, you go to the company for work, not for work.

In order to make friends, distinguish between reality and the second dimension, don't confuse it. "

"Ming Mingming~ Why does my company only have gay guys of the same age who are full of masculinity~"

Take a look at Liangfeng Qingye's work environment, thinking about your own work environment, the work environment in front of the screen

Fans were a little tearful.

This is definitely the conspiracy of Fangzheng's Pipi shrimp!

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!! 1 !!

| Bar | Three

Chapter [-] Lies the otaku to go to work (for support)

This is definitely the conspiracy of Fangzheng's Pipi shrimp!

Which normal company is not a group of big demolition staring at beer belly, then there will be such

What a cute girl~

This is definitely a conspiracy set up by that dog thief Fangzheng to recruit people!!

Take a look at Liangfeng Qingye, thinking about myself, countless fans wow ~ they came out.


Why 1

Why can others find such a heavenly job after graduating from high school, while my own

Is it hard to find a decent job after graduating from a bachelor's degree?

Why is it that everyone else meets a girl named Yin, who is gentle, cute and beautiful, but I meet her

The special thing is that they are big guys with big feet, oily-greasy bald and sleek!

Why do other people chat and laugh at work, eat cakes, drink tea and chat, while I go to work from early morning

Busy till late and don't have time to talk at all?

Sure enough, the anime is all a lie.

It's a movie that makes people who don't work want to work, and people who do work

Want to die anime!

At this moment, countless people realized Fang Zheng's sinister intentions.

This ad hits six, six, six~

Even if everyone knows it's fake, they still can't help but have a feeling of wanting to go to A

The impulse and desire to participate in work.

Although A company is an animation company, not a game company.

"Brothers, wake up, I am an intern in the game company, I have seen the reality and the movement with my own eyes.

The gap between manga, let me tell you, the anime is all fake and deceitful, if you don't believe me, I will

Let me imitate the situation of the game company in reality!"

The first episode of the anime came to an end soon, and the A Club forum was undoubtedly affected by the latest "

newgame" to dominate the screen.

Sour! In short, all kinds of acid!

However, there are also very sober brothers, for example, now I want to teach everyone about the reality game company.

The company's intern brother.

“Producer: Planning, how is the progress of the game?”

"Planning: I'm going to urge art and customs, there are still some things to add, and some bugs

To deal with!"

"Art:; You are urging me to commit suicide again!"

"Program; dog planning, you are just adding demand, I will kill you!"

The intern's short sentences constitute a vivid literal comedy

, Many fans who saw this immediately made up for the love and hatred of the game company.

The producer urges the planning, the planning urges the artists and programs, emm~ I have a taste!

"233~ Although what my brother said is true, as an otaku, I decided to

Get a job!"

"I just quit my job today, and I feel relaxed when I quit my job.

Ah, but after watching this anime, I think Fang Da, you are playing me!!"

"I don't ask for anything else, just give me one from this boss who doesn't wear pants!"

"Ideal boss Yashenguang, real boss Liang Feifei!"

"Upstairs, do you want to be so real~"

, watched the anime, old man... plan, go out with the dog plan, I will add a buf to you

In the forum, everyone is playing tricks and vomiting.

Maybe I don't think about my work without watching the anime, but after watching the animation

Man, only to realize that his work is simply terrible!

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