
Looking at Qingye's working environment, people's "seven-eight-three" family is surrounded by beautiful people, and the boss and the

The seniors are incredibly gentle, and each has an interesting soul.

Think about your work environment

Emm~ Sure enough, the cool breeze Aoba is a woman with deep sins!

However, "newgame" is not completely divorced from reality, giving the audience a simple

Draw a big cake, it also has its own very thin anus side

It depends on how you send the data, or what perspective you use to view it.

Just like Liangfeng Qingye, as a newly joined company, Hou Fenger treats people well.

The ceremony, and very consciously responsible for the office of Liuhua and other work.

Putting it in reality, isn't this the current situation of the newcomers who have been arranged by the ex and the leaders?

For another example, the audience only saw that the working environment of Liangfeng Qingye is very wonderful, which makes people feel

Go, but most people don't see it, cool breeze green leaves will also work overtime to a lot of history

Is this a true portrayal of Sheji being forced to work overtime?

Therefore, the animation "newgame" originated from life, but it is higher than life.

It shows the beautiful side of daily work to the audience, and also reflects the real society.

Nye's side

There are gains and losses, nothing can be perfect

A cute girl who just graduated from high school works overtime until late at night, so

What else do you guys have to resist?!

In addition to the cool breeze green leaves that all fans are envious of, many people have noticed a

Be a cute girl who is rich and beautiful.

Ryuuji Fumi, as a senior in the art team, whose status is second only to Yashenguang, can be

It is said to be experienced.

But because of the shy personality in the face of people, there is nothing too prominent.


But the audience's impression of Nikki Fumi is very deep, and one sentence is used to describe Nikki.

Fumei, that is: online I am obedient, offline I hit hard!

Although Fumi Omoto would be shy and overwhelmed when faced with real people, but if it is

With communication software, it's almost a [-]-degree turn.

It's like a completely different person.

Standing to see Shen Benri Fumei, fans couldn't help but think of a group in reality

Keyboard warrior!

That's right, this is the keyboard warrior who is well known to fans.

They may be inconspicuous in the real world, but in the online world, they hold a key

Pan Na can be said to be a fiery sky-shaped ground against the air, and it is simply omnipotent.

And Fumi Xiaobenri is not only curious about fans, but also cool breeze Aoba.

The time came to noon, and the cool breeze Aoye, who had been working all morning, looked still at work

Tao, who was rich and beautiful today, couldn't help being a little curious.

Speaking of which, she has been in the company for so many days, and she has never seen Xiaobenri Fumi before.

How to fix your own lunch.

"Senior Hifumi, aren't you going to lunch?"

Because of Aoba cool breeze watching and questioning, Tao removed the host today while Fumi panicked.

With the plug of the headphones he was wearing, the music sounded instantly.

With all his hands and feet in a hurry, JianJi Fumei turned around and looked at Cool Breeze Aoba with a nervous face.

"I ate at home."

"It's amazing, I don't even have the heart to think about eating! ~"

Eating breakfast in the morning.emm~ Everyone who goes to work understands that if you can sleep an extra minute, it is a minute.

For breakfast?

Hehe, you can sleep more than ten minutes after saving a meal, isn't it fragrant?

So cool breeze Aoba heard that Tao Fumei had eaten today, and couldn't help but feel very


"I just want to have dinner with Sojiro..."

Facing the gazes of his younger generation, Nihon Fumei was very nervous, and even spoke in a low voice.

The sound is similar to that of mosquitoes.

"So... Sojiro? Is it a man, man, man...boyfriend..."

Hearing Tao Fumi's words today, Ryokaze Aoba was surprised and shy 0

For a girl who just graduated from high school, the topic suddenly turned to men and women

It made her a little shy and unable to react.

And the cool breeze and green leaves are also a little unbelievable.

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