At this time, watching Liangfeng Qingye and a few people partying and drinking, fans couldn't help but feel

Well, this kind of harmonious scene is what drinking should look like~

If you don't drink too much, your feelings are not deep enough, or if you quit drinking, you just watch

Can't afford my scene, it really makes a lot of people disgusted.

"I'm so envious of Nima, I'm really frightened when I drink in reality!"

"Yeah, every time I use human feelings to threaten, I really want to turn my face directly!"

"Do you drink? People are different, drink more if you can, and drink less if you can't.

, most annoying to those who persuade them!"

"Who said no, every time I drink with my colleagues, it's like a war. Later

The old man is not going, what can I say about love~”

When it comes to drinking, a considerable number of fans are tortured.

Everyone also abhors those methods of persuading alcohol that use emotional kidnapping.

It was a very happy thing to have a few like-minded friends drinking together

But just because of persuading people to drink, many people feel disgusted with drinking, and it is getting worse


Just like in the anime, isn't it fun to drink like this? Isn't it warm. …

I rub what's the situation?!

The audience just wanted to sigh, but they saw a scene that shocked them.

The shy Tao is rich and beautiful today, and the shameless Qin is rich and beautiful today, actually

The hands are holding a wine glass with a happy face, and look at the drink inside, it is not beer

Ah ~

"My God, Rifumi is the big guy in the wine? 3"

"Sure enough, people can't be compared to others. This alcohol... is almost [-]/[-] of mine!"

"Hifumi enjoying her face is so cute~

"Can be so cute with a drink, my wife is amazing!"

Looking at the rich beauty of the mud on the face of enjoyment, the audience was a little dumbfounded.

Everyone was lively for a long time before the relationship, but the real boss has always been hidden in the corner

down, silently.

The big boss is the big cut, it has already started to sway over there, and it has just begun here,

This amount of alcohol made some fans feel ashamed.

A strange reception, let cool breeze Aoba learn some strange knowledge.

And the anime also ended in this happy atmosphere, watching the ED of the anime, fans

The silks sighed reluctantly, the time to watch anime is always so short.

Watching "newgame" is always accompanied by warmth, yearning and laughter, which is also

This anime is the most emotional.

Fans of Lao Dong's day, whether they are bitter office workers or going to school

student party, who wouldn't want to relax by watching this healing anime?

"newgame" plays the role of the audience very well

, the purpose of this rule is to rule the sword, not the label of rule of the general, but behind the scenes

An anime warehouse with depressing stories.

"Hey, I'm going to die without watching "newgame"~"

"Ibid., whether it's work or daily life, it's too exciting to stop.


"Newgame is what supports me to finish my work on time every day!"

"You lied to me to go to work in a different way, Fang Da, you are really bad!"

Fans listened to the ending song and spit out the barrage. In their opinion, "newgam"

e" This anime is really loving and sour.

Love is naturally because of those shady girls and warm daily life, sour is also very simple, yes

Compare reality to anime and you'll see that your work is a waste of your life!

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!! .

time | voice | also

Chapter [-] The concept of comics (for support)

The Zhuyuan area of ​​the magic capital, the headquarters of company A.

To "Fang Dong, the approval of Xiuzhiyuan College has come down, we can start recruiting at any time.

Xiuzhiyuan Academy is one of the animation-themed architectural plans built by Fangzheng.

Ring, from the famous school of "Miss Kaguya Wants Me to Confess".

Unlike in the anime, the purpose of his construction of Shuchien Academy was not to cultivate the so-called

To support the pillars of the national economy and other affairs, but to cultivate and engage in two-dimensional business


Among them, the main purpose is to train some painters and help them share the work pressure.

Xiuzhiyuan College, covering an area of ​​210 hectares, is different from the training institutions on the market.

The school is built entirely on the scale of a regular college.

The school canteen, classrooms, accommodation, entertainment, library and other facilities are readily available.

And in order to cultivate the skills of two-dimensional practitioners in all aspects, Fangzheng also spent a lot of money to hire

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