The problem that the talents cultivated by Xinxiuzhiyuan College are too high.

For the talents cultivated by Shuchien Academy, A society selects the elites to join A society

, and other people can't enter the A club, most of them will choose to engage in their own majors


And Wenhua seems to be a very good choice, and the comics are well drawn.

It can be seen by company A and changed to anime, so for the original author of the comic, it can be changed to anime.

It is said to be both fame and fortune.

Zhang Siyu's eyes lit up when she saw this, she believed that most of them would be trained from Xiuzhiyuan Academy by then.

Open students will choose the profession of Wen painter

Whether it is full-time or part-time, as long as they are in the comics industry, they are serving

Dimension is adding bricks and tiles to serve the A company.

Zhang Siyu's eyes are full of admiration, and Fang Zheng's idea is simply immortal.

to the core.

In fact, Fangzheng's plan is easy to understand, that is, to cast a wide net, so many cartoonists, always

Can catch a big fish or two.

And their A company only needs to pay a very small price to get a lot of praise in the market

At least for now, there is no other company to grab food from company A.

Having figured out everything, Zhang Sishi no longer worries about Xiuzhiyuan College, but has

After starting to figure out how to recruit as many students as possible.

After all, according to Founder's plan, the more people who will be engaged in the comics industry in the future, the better.

The more cartoonists there are, the greater the profit of Company A.

""Fang Dong, when do you plan to start recruiting students at Xiuzhiyuan Academy? Do you want to call?


0 ..

Zhang Siyu couldn't wait to look at Fangzheng, she couldn't help but want to see the future


"Enrollment starts on the [-]st of next month. Isn't the advertisement already posted?"

Fang Zheng looked at Zhang Siyu with a smile, what commercial is better than the currently airing "newga"

Is "me" more appropriate?

He didn't believe that someone who watched this anime would not want to work in A company, when he was in

Taking the opportunity to announce the enrollment plan of Xiuzhiyuan Academy, as well as the connection between the academy and Company A,

There will definitely not be too many people signing up by then.

Zhang Siyu thought about it, she admitted the excellence of "newgame", as an advertisement,

It's also very attractive and deceptive, but it's an anime after all.

"Fang Dong, I think it's better for us to play regular advertisements."

Hearing Zhang Siyu's words, Fang Zheng thought about it for a while and nodded in agreement.

All were thrown to Zhang Siyu, after all, Zhang Siyu is already familiar with this aspect.

For advertising, no one is more suitable than Zhang Siyu, you must know the original

The animation carnival advertisement was implemented by Zhang Siyu.

The promotion effect can be said to be quite good, and the two-dimensional label has almost been hit all over the magic city.

Small street.

Fang Zheng has no doubts about Zhang Siyu's ability, and he gives him absolute trust.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please! ! ! !

Division | Bar | Three

Chapter [-] Don't insult the word social animal, okay! (Seeking support


June, for the two-dimensional circle, is destined to be an extraordinary holiday.

The ten-day animation carnival completely detonated the entire two-dimensional circle, two-dimensional text

It was also the first time that Hua had made a name for himself, and his momentum was astounding.

And A's latest work "newgame" makes many social animals both love and hate.

Love is naturally looking at the cute girls in the anime, every day lily, work, eating snacks, whole

The days are full of Wen Zhi's happiness and tiredness, and then sit and wait until the salary is paid.

This super healing feeling has warmed the hearts of many fans.

Watching an episode of anime at night can greatly relieve your fatigue and fatigue throughout the day.


And the so-called success is also Xiao He and Xiao He is also Xiao He, and the hatred of fans also stems from this.

Looking at the company in "Newgame", the bosses and colleagues in it all say cute girls

[-]"', and she is gentle and beautiful, and she speaks so nicely.

Thinking about his real self, Jiang Shi was miserable and mighty, how could he be so miserable.

The audience still remembers the scene when they first came into contact with "newgame".

Every scene is vivid and unforgettable.

When I first came into contact with the anime "newgame", everyone turned into a lemon

Lemon essence, looking at this kind of heavenly company, one by one is extremely sour.

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