The poor newbies, looking at their increasingly tumorous wallets, want to cry without tears

, For the naive belief in the words of those unscrupulous predecessors, I regretted them one by one.


If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have gotten into the pit so early~

And these Yinxins are even more angry after watching "newgame". What is the gap?

Especially to notice!

Look at the seniors of the cool breeze and green leaves. They are gentle, generous and lovely.

Those so-called seniors of my own, one by one, from bad to bad.

Hetui~! Bad old man, every one is bad!

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, and please!! 1 !!

time | voice | also

Chapter [-] Fans are fickle "(for support)

"Fang Da, kneel and beg for the second season of "newgame"!"

"Together, come out the second season soon! Otherwise, the local specialty scouts!"

"Speed, speed, or you will unload your car's Xuan Xuan~

"233~ Do you think Fang Da will be threatened by you~?"

"Why not, if there is no follow-up, I will curse Pipi shrimp every day - one centimeter shorter!"

"Qia, you are so vicious upstairs, but I like it!"

On Weibo, Fangzheng's personal news is full of similar messages, such a vicious curse

, it is simply outrageous, it is difficult for Fang Zheng to not pay attention.

Ah cut! Ah cut!

In the office, Fang Zheng sprayed two tons of spray for no reason, and wiped the control with the paper towel on the side.

Nose, Fang Zheng's eyes were a little gloomy.

This person is not sick and has no disasters and suddenly sprays tons, either because the beauty thinks of him or someone is complimenting him


Opened the Weibo news like a consonant, Fang Zheng saw the dense messages above,

His face was contorted.

"Damn it, do you want to be such a beast~!"

Ben Fang is looking at the messages of fans under his feed, all kinds of fancy curses are simply terrifying


"Nima is so short, I'm afraid it's not going to become a negative number, I'm really lucky you can figure it out.


Fang Zheng couldn't help but hit Dozine, and suddenly felt a chill spread all over his body from his back.

, this feeling is so real.

Well, man, that's what you care about the most, you can curse me, curse

Absolutely not my brother!

This is about the dignity of a man and must not be compromised!

Looking at those vicious curses, Fang Zheng's face turned green, this group of fans is really against the sky

, the mountain house will be uncovered without a fight for a few days.

Did the last womenswear incident make you feel like you're okay again?

Let me tell you, last time it was because I didn't think carefully and didn't think rigorously, that's why I was rejected.

You are out of a loophole!

Xianli yo la~

In the office, there was a sound of tapping on the keyboard.

That rhythmic but not rhythmic keyboard click made the world where Zaun came from and the

The Ping Guards were all ashamed.

"Originally, I was stepping up the production of the second season, but when I saw your comments, mine

The little heart is broken, I solemnly warn you that I suffer from high blood pressure and heart disease

, because of your intimidation, I feel unwell, and decided to take a vacation for a while. "

"As for when the vacation is, it depends on my mood!"

Done! Done!

Fangzheng pinched his finger on the Enter key and sent out his edited update.

Isn't it just a curse and a threat, who wouldn't~

As for the second season of "newgame",

Fangzheng didn't make it at all, although he has plans to make the second season, but at the moment

opportunity is not appropriate.

In Fangzheng's opinion, "newgame" is not only an excellent yin dolphin,

Still an excellent advertising tool.

Want a work environment full of girls?

Want to be shy and afraid of people but like Hifumi who cosplays?

Want a gentle and lovely boss?

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