“Question [-]: How many people are in the band at tea time after school?”

"Question [-]: Which of the following people have I been referring to?"

"Question Four:

Looking at this series of inexplicable questions, the reporter is a little suspicious of life,

How can there be such a strange website in the world~!

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!! 1 !!

| Bar | Three

Reward share report

Chapter [-] I will never open this website a second time (seek support


The reporter's little sister collapsed. Looking at the Q&A session of Qiyuan's admission to the club, this person is all


What's the problem, how do I know who is Chelsea and which anime is she from?

Does it have anything to do with me?!

And the teatime band after school, there are a few people, why didn't I know there was a band

What is the name of the team?

I have committed suicide. Who is Gong Shi referring to? Whoever you love is who you are. If you like self-injury, go and self-inflict.

, what do you mean by asking me here~

The reporter's little sister is almost blown away by a lot of questions. She has used so many websites,

I have never seen a platform like this one, so strange!

"233~ Guess what the reporter is doing?"

"This Nima is still guessing, the phone must be searching for '"newgame', and when it is found, it will be

I will be transferred to Club A, and then start the question-answering session that makes Mengxin unbearable~"

"Nima upstairs, are you a human or a ghost?!"

"Looking at the tangled expression of the young lady, she looks very bitter and resentful, like the past.

I asked myself, this is definitely an entrance exam, I didn't run!"

"You said whether we should tell the other party the correct answer, or the other party might really

will collapse!"

The fans in the live broadcast room were all gloating about their misfortunes.

They have a deep understanding of the social exam. After all, every user who registers for a company A account,

Must experience this once.

No one can change this~

For their fans who have been in the second dimension for a long time, those problems may not be

How difficult is it, but for people like the reporter, who have never been in contact with

In other words, it was a test of the Heavenly Book level.

Miss reporter looked at her mobile phone and wanted to cry without tears, what kind of ghost operation is this~

But fortunately, she has not completely lost her mind, so she went directly to search for the answers to these questions.


It took half an hour before and after, and finally it was the honor of becoming a club A.

general user!

Full of excitement, Miss reporter found the popular "newgam" on the website

e", clicked in.

Chang Ran is also curious about other anime works of this one, but as a reporter, she

I feel that I have to have professional ethics, and it is king to complete the first job first.

When the reporter was struggling, she finally found the "newgam" she wanted

e", I was so excited that I almost jumped up.

Full of an inexplicable sense of accomplishment, the reporter's sister stretched out her fingers and shivered.

A few clicked to play.

"Sorry, this work is exclusive to members, you are not yet a member user"1

Throat cough cough ~!

When the reporter lady saw this sentence, she was directly stunned by her own saliva.

Pausing his chest.

"Well haha~ I knew it would be the result!"

"You think it's over after you answer the question, you still need a member!"

"233~ Guess if Miss Sister wants to kill that Pipi shrimp now!"

"Hey~ the old man came here like this at the beginning. After all the trouble, he finished answering the question.

After enjoying the anime, I found out that I still need a member!”

"The bad-looking expression on the face of the reporter's sister is so interesting!"

A group of unscrupulous [-]D fans in the live broadcast room saw the reporter's sister searching with her mobile phone

When the answer came, it was crazy to this ending.

One by one patiently lurking in the live broadcast room, waiting for this dramatic scene to arrive.

Sure enough, the reporter didn't disappoint them either, with her unlovable look on her face.

, it was almost childish to laugh at them all day.

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