All of a sudden, seeing this well-known person who is concerned about Fangzheng's health, one after another

They turned into lemon essence, first reprinted a wave of this hot search, and then poured bitter water, wanting to

Look at the movements of your own fans.

"What's the matter, why are there so many unsatisfactory developments in life all of a sudden?

""Old Xue, people must be self-aware, you don't know that the average number of [-]D fans is local tyrants.

, we can't learn it~"

Painting "Uncle Shen, you are so old, you must learn to face the difficulties of life alone, come on

"Is this sour? I smell lemon!"

"emmm~ In the end, did something different get mixed in?"

"Hahaha, people say famous people, what are you doing with a marketing account?


"Old man punches one hehe, hey, hey, if you are good at marketing, you must have the awareness of marketing accounts, don't make mistakes.

God thinks about the heat of the road!

Seeing so many famous people join in the heat, there is a lot of noise on Weibo, and many fans

Only after the group went to the bottom of the investigation did they know that the reason why their idols were so yin and yang

, entirely out of envy.

Seeing that the fans of the second dimension care about their idols, I am sorry, my grandma is jealous and sour

, so this is the dynamic.

What is this doing?

This is asking them for comfort, this is earning dignity for myself~

Did you see that, not only are your two-dimensional circles so harmonious, but so are our fans

Such caring people!

After I understand the whole story, the fans can't laugh or cry, what's the matter~

When I heard the news pushed by Weibo on my mobile phone, I thought that the idol I followed had released a new song or new song.

The work is finished, I opened it with joy and saw this scene.

That's kind of annoying~

What do the fans of other families think, the fans of the second dimension don't know, anyway, they see the camp

The popularity of the pin number running out of the way, all of them are very speechless.

It seems that this official blogger really does not give up any heat in order to prove her identity as a palace

However, with the idea of ​​jumping if you can, this is the road to happiness.

How many meanings?

Really mixed eyes Shushu ~

"Marketing account, don't jump on the heat, hurry up and tell Fang Da, we care about him!"

"That's right, I'm a little conscious, as a marketing account, you still want to compete with Fang Da's 'official blog'

The number of silks, isn't this self-inflicted humiliation~"

"Spit hey hey, what are you doing, you can't change the identity of your marketing account~

"If you have this time, it's better to pass our greetings to Fang Da, it's been a long time.

Showed up, we all miss him~"

Headquarters of company A, Liu Jingjing feels that he has gained weight recently, and this feeling is still incomparable

It was so real that she didn't dare to weigh herself...  

She was afraid that she would see her weight pass out.

Today I finally saw a hot search on my own Weibo, I wanted to go on the road to become popular,

Then I got to know the fans well, but I didn't expect to be given a wave by the fans again.

"What are you doing, I'm not familiar with you old fans, I'm here to suck

Ah to accept the new fans of Yin~!”

Seeing the message below, Liu Jingjing hugged and said a word.

After many battles of wits and bravery with fans, her heart has been greatly improved

Ascension, I don't feel so angry anymore for the ridicule of the old fans.

After all, if you are angry, you will overeat and then gain weight. Liu Jingjing has learned to be smart now.

Just before, because of the animation carnival, the number of two-dimensional fans soared, and she had an idea

, I plan to bypass these old fans who are full of marketing accounts and prepare to attract those new fans.

This is not a way to make a fortune~

Liu Jinggou saw that old fans kept coming to tease him, so he could only sigh helplessly, and then

These 4.4 things were reported to Founder.

After all, this is a greeting from the vast number of two-dimensional fans. She is the person in charge of Weibo.

It is the responsibility and obligation to inform Fangzheng. As for whether Fangzheng will respond, it is not her.

I can intervene.

After the notification, Fangzheng and Liucheche continued to look for any opportunity to squat,

It's a pity for a dignified official blog to actually be reduced to the level of the popularity of others.

If you think about such a miserable official blog, I am afraid there is only one family of A.

If Weibo selects the worst official blog account, it is estimated that the official blog of company A will definitely be nominated, and

There is a high probability of winning.

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