Hey, you are a good typing expert on your computer keyboard~!

Shouldn't normal procedure be a lengthy thank-you note?

You shouldn't be flattered as an idol when you see your fans relate so much to you

, and then respond to the concern of your fans with the warmest tone?

Why did I come to you, just say hello like usual, "Eat!"


Is it because we can't keep up with the times, or is your second dimension developing too fast.

Is it time for your fans to respond with a greeting like 'Eat Yu ah'?

"Is this the two-dimensional circle that is in the limelight now? Love, love!"

"233~ Do the exchanges in the two-dimensional circle come like this? It's really unique~"

"As a melon eater, I don't even know how to spit out Kai..."

"First a hot search that is the least likely to be on a hot search, and then a greeting like

Reply, your way of communicating is very unique~”

"If you don't need it in the hot search, please give it to the person who needs it~"

At the end of the day, the fans of the two-dimensional fan group all sneered.


One by one is rare and strange, and you have not seen more operations than this~

From the point of view of the second-dimensional fans, these wind-eating people are fundamental to Fangzheng's Pipi.

I don't know, if it was them, they would be happy to help count the money after Fang Zheng sold it.

A bunch of idiots who have never seen the world!

For others, Fangzheng's reply hates against the rules, but in the second dimension fans

Seems like this is already good.

Thanks for their care?!

Don't be happy, okay, you don't know what 240 is all about.

Our fans don't really care about that Pippi shrimp, and that Pippi shrimp is not pure

So naive, this confrontation is dangerous.

It's just that this time we are better than Pippi!

"Brothers, Pipi Shrimp has been fooled by 1!"

"Pippi has replied, everyone starts the second step of the plan! "

"Don't worry! Don't worry! Notify other fan groups first, let everyone go out together, remember to protect

Get in line!"

"Five minutes later, start the general attack!"

"Received, I will contact the major fan group owners right away!"

Among the fans, the fans are planning everything urgently, just as Fang Zheng himself guessed.

Like, these fans don't really care about him at all.

It's just a routine for him, and it looks like he's already prepared.

After the last five minutes, Fang Zheng waited for a long time without seeing any response from the fans, and his expression was a little frightened.

"What's the matter, why so long?"

Fang Zheng touched his chin, his eyes full of surprise.

"Am I really guessing wrong? Are these fans really just caring about me?

Fangzheng has some doubts, he hasn't posted any news for a while, could it be this?

Do some fans really just watch him not show up for so long and care about him?

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!! 1 !!

| do | also

Chapter [-] Routines are always so unpredictable (seeking support)

Fangzheng fell into self-doubt. If this was premeditated by the fans, then

Discipline is too high

In the past, he posted a message, and the following has long been messaged by various fans to Yuman, don't

Whether it's a rant or a curse, it's always very hot.

Like today, after he posted the quiet scene below the dynamic, he was still the first


How should I put it, there is still a little bit of unwillingness and loneliness in my heart.

The fans who originally intended to accompany him on the line have disappeared, which makes Fang Zheng somewhat uncomfortable.


Are these fans really just worried about him, seeing him not showing off for so long,

A Weibo, and then the hot search on the item lets you see it.

Now that I see my reply, I confirm that I have nothing to do, so I retreat


"No, no, these fans can't be this cute!

When Fang Zheng thought of this, he directly shook his head and dismissed this absurd idea.

Get out.

If it was the previous group of fans, maybe it would really concern me, Bi Jing at that time

, he is not a love-hate Pippi.

But Fangzheng was the first to not believe that the current fans care about him!

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