The first two episodes of the deceptive Lily routine will have fans completely off guard, then

When the truth really comes, how much joy the fans laughed before, they will later

How painful.

What better way to get revenge on a [-]D fan?

Of course, just in terms of tear-jerking, Fang Zheng felt that his choice was not a big deal.

Wise, after all, the white scholars in the previous life and the CL party have proved that who is the leader

The boss in the tear label.

But Fang Zheng doubted that if he took out these things directly, would he be angry?

Her fans went directly to the headquarters of the A company.

And of course the most "healing" thing has to be chosen at a more important time, or

More important festivals, and then through publicity, let more people feel the effects brought by animation

Beautiful and warm.

Duo thought of it and did it, Fangzheng called Ding Muyu directly and asked her to come to his office for a while.

Since Ding Muyu has the determination to learn animation, let the other party participate now,

Lost his grave in the work of Zhidang, the servant of Erjianke, I only hope that Ding Muyu can learn a lesson

some experience.

As long as you learn your skills, it will come in handy in the future.

On the other hand, the fans who attacked on Weibo before have returned to the major fans

group, talking about what happened just now.

Thinking that Fangzheng might be angry enough at this time, the atmosphere in the fan group is full of fire


In the past, they played against Fangzheng Network, and they always failed. This time it can be regarded as

Seizing the opportunity, he humiliated Fang Zheng once.

"Hahaha, happy brothers! So happy!"

"It's comfortable, it's the first time I feel so relieved when I know this Pippi Shrimp.

Qi, it's better than constipation and relieves Qi!"

"Li's afraid that Pipi shrimp is going crazy now~"

"233~ As long as we organize, that Pipi shrimp will not be obedient enough to admit defeat!"

"I can't help but want to laugh when I think of the naive 'eat' of Pippi Shrimp, it's so joyful

There is a celebration meeting in the fan group, and everyone talks about their feelings with each other.

All of them said that this was the most relieved time they had come to know Fang Zheng.

Especially seeing Fang Zheng being left speechless by them, the fans laughed even more joyfully.

If Fangzheng hadn't been given a trick by them, with that Pippi shrimp's character, he would definitely not

It would be so easy to leave Weibo without saying a word.

Now that Fangzheng has done this, he didn't leave any harsh words, it can only show that they have won!

They gave that Pippi shrimp his first taste of failure!

"Brothers, if you have anything to do in the future, you can take care of Fang Da, such as asking you

have you eaten?"

"I'm afraid you're not a devil upstairs, you're not afraid of Fang Da's anger.


"It's impossible to strike, after all, Fang Da has to eat~"

"Well said, in the future, Pippi Shrimp will be the fifth son, so we will go to urge more, it is not that we do not

Buying a membership, and why should we wait~”

"emm~ Upstairs, if your logic is seen by Pippi, be careful looking for your real person.

will get

The fans of the fan base are still enthusiastically sharing the joy of their victory today, and

He didn't know anything about Fangzheng's revenge plan, and he was still immersed in the sea of ​​joy.

In fact, I can't blame them, after all, people are forgetful creatures.

After so long, these fans may have forgotten that they were once

Dominated by anime such as "Dream", "Crimson Cut", or "Your Lie in April"

Li was afraid.

They simply thought that as long as they reminded themselves, Fangzheng might launch it.

The next work, so they can continue to happily chase shirts.

PS: Thanks to "My Life", *159....98", "V's Logic"~, "139....33",

"Rose xrh", "134....91", "138....62" monthly ticket support, thank you guys!


I beg the big guys for more support, and please! ! ! .

| Bar | Three

Chapter [-] In order to express fire, "Academic Island" is here!

ask for support)

After the fans urged the update, they gradually quieted down, waiting for Fangzheng with great anticipation.

Latest Anime.

Fans have already discussed it, if one push fails, then twice, if two

If it doesn't work, then three times, until Fangzheng's Pippi realizes his mistake!

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