
Is this the driving test book that Pippi Shrimp said?

Qia, I don't even have a driver's license, you are so good, just start teaching me how to revoke it

I have a driver's license, do you think it's too easy for us to get a driver's license?!

Chen Gan and Qi Yu are both very speechless, the corners of their mouths are twitching, the two of you look at me, I see

Look at you, even though you are invariably throwing the notebook in your hand aside.

What else do you need to learn? If you really follow the teaching of Pippi Shrimp, they estimate that this generation

Don't even think about getting a driver's license, maybe there will be a life-long driving ban package.

"What's the matter, I know that Pipi shrimp is unreliable!"

"It's unreliable, are you still preparing a notebook?"

"Aren't you ready?"

Chen Gan and Qi Yu were bickering and sat down again and started watching the anime.

Although I can't learn any driving test skills, but the short-lived carbon car enthusiastic clip just now

But it made the two of them unable to stop.

Just ask any man who doesn't have a suppressed beast in his heart, who doesn't want to be able to

Drive the reckless Mercedes-Benz sports car and unleash your wildness?

There are too many comforts in Changran's reality, and there are also great safety hazards, but this does not

It doesn't affect them watching anime and experiencing that unique wild driving feeling.

Drag racing, speed, blood, passion, adrenaline surge, this and I am afraid this is the anime

The biggest selling point.

It was almost two people who had just watched the beginning, and they thought of this by coincidence.

I have to say, "Initial D" didn't plan to play any bells and whistles from the very beginning.

The foreshadowing is to tell you bluntly, I just use this kind of bloody red car feeling

to attract you!

Of course, if someone insists that the biggest selling point of this anime is Natsuki and her

"Dad', then there is no way, after all, people's concerns are different.

PS: Thanks to "Yue Ying Bo", "*, the sea and sky", "Sky Blue^, "Snow Crazy", "Dream"

There is no monthly pass for ", * Moon Shadow Zhan", thanks to "4953....78" for the reward, I beg the big guys for more

Support, please! ! ! !

| Bar | Three

Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty-Sixth Catch the Shrimps (For Support)

How should I put it, the people who close the registered car are all enthusiastic young people, who pay attention to Xia Shu...  

Please face the wall consciously, LSP!!

Chen Gan and Qi Yu sat together and looked at their screen.

"By the way, this style of painting has a strong retro style~! "

"What's wrong with retro, I can't play it if it's so cool!"

"I didn't say anything, I just mentioned it."

"The paintings of "Cracking the Red", "Your Lie in April" and "Plastic Memory"

The wind is not retro, you can see it~!”

"Damn! You are a devil, why don't you see it!"

Chen Gan and Qi Yu have three throats, quarreling while watching anime, they look very similar

The status of the big roommate.

They are all bad friends~!

Just when the two were losing each other, a very fast-paced prelude sounded.

Time doesn't say "four eight seven* words, and his eyes are fixed on the screen.

As the two stopped making a sound, the dormitory suddenly became quiet.


"Dave Rodgers! 1



As soon as the passionate and rhythmic lyrics and songs sounded, it instantly gave people a feeling of blood boiling.

The song is mixed with the friction sound of the tire and the road, which immediately makes people adrenaline red

Li, giving people a feeling of blood boiling.

Exciting music accompanied by the sound of the engine humming, stimulates fans all the time

The hormones give people an urge, an urge to go beyond the speed of light.

When the neat singing skills are matched with the exciting tunes, the audience in front of the screen instantly

I was addicted to it for a while, my body began to shake unconsciously, my spirit collapsed, as if I saw

He galloped on the empty road.


can not stop at all!

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