"What's the matter? Isn't it good-looking? No, with the young man Fangzheng's ability,

His work shouldn't be too bad~"

The driver was a little puzzled when he saw that the two did not speak.

"Master, it's not that the animation is too bad, but it's not suitable for you to watch, especially if you are engaged in this kind of work.

In the driver industry, watching that anime is too dangerous. "

Chen Gan smiled bitterly, heard the driver's words, and knew that the other party had misunderstood their intentions.


"Initial D" is for people in the driver industry to watch, I'm afraid it's not poking a honeycomb,

Get rich.

"Why can't I watch it? Is there anything suitable for anime?"

When the driver heard Chen Gan's words, he was a little dissatisfied. He regarded animation as a hobby, and

It is not that they are completely lost in it, and there are Yu Yu that cannot be seen.

"Master, you may not understand what I said, so let me listen to the "Initial Text" for you.

The opening song of "Word D", you will understand it as soon as you hear it. "

As he said that, Chen Qian took out his mobile phone, opened Kumao Music, and then found the very tenth song.

Magical song and clicked play.


"Dave Rodgers!



Familiar, magical and brainwashed melody appeared, Chen Gan and Qi Yu listened to most of them yesterday

accommodation, so it's better.

But it was the first time the driver listened to it, and he was immediately addicted to it.

Yu Yu Yu~!

The sound of the engine came, at first Chen Gan and Qi Yu didn't care, they just thought it was a mobile phone

Accompaniment sound in music.

After all, this song does have a beast-like engine roaring and tires rubbing against the ground


But soon Chen Qian realized that something was wrong, and he felt more and more in the co-pilot.

The stronger the feeling of pushing his back, the more he realized that something was wrong.

When he turned his head to look out the window, cold sweat broke out in an instant, and his soul was almost untouched.

Scared lost.

Where is this the roar of the engine in the OP of "Initial D", it's so clear

It was the hum of the engine of the taxi they were riding in.

“Shi Wei! Master Chuan! Park! Park!”

Chen Gan looked at the rapidly receding scenery outside the window, frightened souls fled, clutching the car tightly.

The handle on the top of the window, watching the driver on the left yelling.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, and please!! 1 !!

| voice | also

Chapter [-] Stop, turn off, and pull the handbrake! (For support)

Chen Qian clung to the handrail tightly and noticed that the driver's master was in a wrong state.

Immediately, he was wet with cold sweat.

"Master Chuan wake up! Wake up! You are speeding! Speeding!"

Hearing Chen Qian's shouting, Qi Yu, who was behind him, also glanced out the window, and then said another word.

at As if only in this way can I give myself a trace of peace

Full sense.

For the first time in Qi Yu's life, he wears seat belts in the back of a car, but he didn't expect it to be here

in this case.

"Made Chen, turn off the music first! Hurry up! Hurry up!"

Hearing Qi Yu's reminder, Chen Qian remembered the crux of the problem, and quickly

He hurriedly turned on his phone and turned off the music.

As soon as the music representing the speed and passion ended, all that was left in the car was the drooping engine.

The chirping sound and the heavy breathing of Chen Qian and Qi Yu.

"What's the matter? Why are you looking at me like that?

The driver's master glanced at the two of them and saw that their faces were pale and bloodless.

God is suspicious

"Master, look ahead! Look ahead!

"Overspeeding! Overspeeding!"

"Master, drive well, I beg you!"

Chen Gan and Qi Yu were frightened when they saw that the driver, Shi Wei, still had time to see them both.

Frightened, he quickly motioned for the driver to watch the road, not them!

"I've driven the car for so many years, and no accidents have happened... Damn it, how can I be so beautiful

80 out of 2 1 4"

The master driver wanted to reassure the two of them that he had been driving a taxi for so many years.

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