And the tone is not so kind, the crowd around see that there is a hot six to watch, they have

He rushed forward, wanting to see what kind of yingrong the guy who played drifting in the driving school was looking like crazy.

Chen Gan and Qi Yu also followed the crowd and wanted to worship this great god at close range.

However, when Chen Gan and Qi Yu walked in, they suddenly heard something that Lu Xi could no longer be familiar with.


"If it is a household!"

Chen Gan and Qi Yu looked at each other, although they didn't say a word, but from each other.

The eyes of dysentery know what the other party is going to say.

Sure enough, following the coach's frantic action, he got off the main driver (cebb).

The mobile phone in the hand of Fa Nianjia also put the first fraudulent blood to wash the "Touguang" of this A company.

Word D" opening song.

Gong "Are you two training cars or are you here to murder, you leave me, I can't teach you this


Seeing the young man get out of the car, the coach, who was still a bit pale, looked at him angrily.

The other party, when he thought of the exciting experience just now, he had a feeling of wanting to cry without tears.

After teaching cars for so many years, he has always taught others to drive, but today, he

What has been educated.

The coach glanced at the young man in front of him with a little heart, and his heart was full of anger.

At the same time, he was a little helpless, afraid that this guy was not here to humiliate himself.

Just this technology, you still come to the driving school to learn a fart, go straight to the pull force!


“Dave Rodgers! “”



During the conversation, the mobile phone in the young man's hand was still playing this melodious song.

The music above was naturally heard clearly by the surrounding crowd.

Listening to this music, don't talk about others, it's just myself, Yin Xin, who has no driving experience.

, I also fantasize about myself driving fast on the track.

That lightning-fast feeling definitely makes adrenaline rush, and the passion brought by speed is absolutely amazing

Yes it can make people crazy!

The young man looked at his coach, shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and made a light statement

After saying "I don't practice anymore", I slowly walked towards the crowd.

Seeing the young man approaching, the crowd slowly gave way.

"That bro... oh no! Big man, are you a racer?"

When the young man walked to the end of the crowd, Qi Yu couldn't help the itch in his heart and opened his mouth.

look at each other.

In his cognition, this technology, this control of the vehicle, in addition to those who specialize in

Except for the high-level racing drivers, it seems that no ordinary driver knows this.

"I'm not a boss, my name is Li Tianxing."

Hearing Qi Yu's words, Li Tianxing was not impatient, but stopped and followed Qi Yu.

He smiled and said hello, obviously this is also a kind-hearted young man.

"Brother Li, your driving just now was really indica!"

When Qi Yu saw the other party taking care of him, he couldn't help but feel excited about the game.

Drunk driving is even more exciting.

Seeing that Qi Yu was looking at him with admiration, Li Tianxing shook his head helplessly and turned off his hands.

the music, pointed to the shade on one side, and signaled whether or not to go over to chat.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!! 1 !!

Division | Bar | Three

Chapter [-]: Killer Steel for Racers (For Support)

Qi Yu, Chen Gan and Li Tianxing walked to the shade to one side, and the three sat in the shade.

In the chairs, they chatted with each other.

"Brother Li, are you really a racing driver?"

Qi Yu's eyes were full of anticipation. This is a racing driver, and it is rare to see it usually.

And most importantly, this is a racing driver who listened to "Catch the Shrimp", Qi Yu

Looking at Li Tianxing with Chen Qian, I feel extra kind~.

"I can say I'm a racing driver, but I don't have a lot of racing experience.-

Hearing Qi Yu's words, Li Tianxing looked at the other party's adoring eyes, a little helpless,

The corners have a wry smile.

His dream is indeed to play on the field, but unfortunately, he is only a

Yin Xin, who just came out of an institution that specializes in training drivers.

Although his skills are superb for ordinary people such as Qi Yu and Chen Qian, but in the

In the eyes of real drivers, it is just getting started.

And he did not participate in any formal competition except for running the training game when he was studying in the institution.

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