Shengsheng] Pengbai came over to Huayang Quan Er, and couldn't help but sighed helplessly, and immediately


"Let's put it bluntly, I can't bear the name of instigating young people's ships, and you can't bear it, company A

I can't bear it, so Takukai's ending must be like this, warning! Do you know the role of warning?

Fangzheng also thought about changing the ending of Tuohai. After all, a generation of car gods fell into that kind of place.

Step, it really makes people a little instructed.

But later when Fang was writing the script, he slowly realized that he couldn't change it.

The ending of Tuohai, because this is a factor caused by the general environment.

"Initial D" is undoubtedly a very good anime, even if Fang Zheng is watching it

There have been so many animes, but almost no one of the same theme "Three Four Seven" surpasses "Initial D".


"Initial D" is not an exaggeration to say that it is the ceiling of the racing theme animation.

But with such an anime, there is a risk that it will instigate people

Go to the torso.

And carbon cars represent danger, not only their own lives are in danger, but also others.

People's lives and property are safe, so the ending of "Initial D" can't be good.

The bureau is not good either.

Fangzheng can launch "Initial D" with this racing theme, but he must not memorize it

In the name of instigating other people's phosphorus car, but in turn, to warn the audience not to be a red car.

Therefore, Fangzheng did not modify Tuohai's ending. His original intention was to let Tuohai's

The ending tells everyone that the danger of strict cars can achieve what the society needs to see at one time.

Warning effect.

"I understand Fang Dong!"

After Ding Muyu heard Fangzheng's words, she was pleasantly enlightened. It turns out that there are so many doors here.

Road Road.

Sure enough, compared with Fang Dong, he is still far behind, and his eyes are still limited to animation.

itself, and Fang Dong's eyes have been opened to the impact on society.

The vision of the two sides is no longer the same level!

If you really change the ending of Tuohai according to your own ideas, then "Initial Text"

Next 2 can be completely misinterpreted as a movie that abets and encourages young people.

And once such a result or trend occurs, what awaits them must be the anime being blocked,

The word-of-mouth of Company A and Founder has plummeted.

Don't underestimate the social pressure of fishing boats, Ding Muyu clearly knows that this thing is a

The sharp knife that can't see the cold light, although it can't be seen, it is very easy to use.

Company A is now the dominant player in the two-dimensional industry. I don’t know how many people and how many eyes

2. Just wait for Club A or Fangzheng to make mistakes, and then take their place

Once you change Takukai's ending, "Initial D" loses its role as a warning

, if it is used by people with intentions, it will be a straw that crushes Company A.

If it really got to that point, Ding Muyu would be the sinner of the entire A company.

Don't look at the rapid development of the two-dimensional industry, but that's because there is a founder who has great power

Xiang, once there is a problem in company A, Fangzheng is bound to be affected.

At that time, it is possible to affect the entire two-dimensional industry. At that time, she Ding Muyu became

She really can't bear the blame for the blame of the whole two-dimensional industry.

"Just understand, don't put too much pressure now, and the fishing reels outside are not

It's so easy to be incited, don't forget, this time we are not fighting alone, but by working together

partner. "

Fang Zheng saw that Ding Muyu was a little frightened by his own words, so he smiled and comforted the other party.


Different from the past, this time the work "Initial D" is entirely for the purpose of communicating with car manufacturers

launched in cooperation.

"Initial D" is urgently needed to break the brand blockade and seize the young consumer market

It's a fantastic opportunity for automakers.

So if there really is a bad trend on the Internet, those automakers headed by Yi Jinpeng will

Automakers will never stand idly by.

Li was afraid that the other party would jump out first, and she was definitely more anxious than Fang Zheng himself.

After all, if there is really a problem with "Initial D", Fang Zheng and Company A will receive the most

Influenced by some wind reviews, and being banned from an anime work.

But for those automakers, let's not mention their huge upfront investment

, they will never let go of this opportunity alone.

Of course, Fangzheng wouldn't completely count on the other party, after all, they were just a cooperative relationship.

Ben we

If "Initial D" does not have the warning effect of the ending of Tuohai, once the social fishing reel

When he gets sick, he really has no room for backhand.

I am afraid that when that time comes, those car manufacturers will never go into this muddy water.

On the contrary, it will be wise to protect itself.

Therefore, Fangzheng will never change Tuohai's ending.

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