Will the name of campus four need be passed down...  

Fang Zheng shook his head and threw these thoughts out of his head. He always thought that an anime

Excellence is not blown out by the producer, but judged by the audience.

"Spring Things", "Strength First", "Bing Mou" and "Youth Pig Head"

The classics of anime are not boasted by the producers, but are sought after by fans.

The name Campus Siquan was also installed because of the love of the fans, not this

Several animes say themselves - one of the overlords.

"The four are all classics. Which one is better?"

Fang Zheng was leaning on the back of the boss chair, looking up at the ceiling of the office, thinking

It is like watching flowers on a horse, flashing through several famous scenes of animation.

Self-destruction, rationality, energy saving, and jokes, the four animations have their own characteristics, Fangzhengzheng

don't know how to choose.

Although the four animes are broadcast at different times, it is undeniable that the four animes are

is a classic.

Anime depicts the troubles and beauty of adolescent men and women in love vividly, even very

There are many scenes and many lines with very profound life philosophy, which need careful and repeated

taste to understand what it means.

It can be said that the four bullies on campus are not simply dramas that describe love, but are mixed with people.

Philosophy of life, life perception is in it.

Fang Zheng was still in a state of indecision, closed his eyes gently, and thought carefully in his mind.

The difference between the four animes and this difference, which one is more suitable for the current time.

After a long time, Fang Zhengshang opened his eyes and tore a piece of paper from his notebook.

Write and draw on it with a pen, with a serious face.

The pen roamed the snake, Fangzheng wrote something meticulously, and there was seriousness in his eyes.

than the gloss.

After a while, Fang Zheng put down his pen and breathed a sigh of relief.

Dang Duan continues to suffer from the chaos, and the four animes are all excellent. Since there is no choice, then

Give the choice to God.

"Order soldiers, order generals, ride horses to fight, whoever you order, follow me, if you don't go, you

It's a puppy!"

Fang Zheng looked at the four pieces of paper on the table in front of him and muttered words.

As Fang Zheng was jingling, his fingers moved back and forth in mid-air.

It is to completely leave the choice to luck.

Which anime comes out first depends on who is more fortunate.


_.Just when Fang Zheng was seriously 'making a decision', a burst of laughter suddenly came from the office.


At this time, Fangzheng had already made a choice, and as soon as he looked up, he saw Zhang Siyu's face full of smiles

Looking at himself, his big eyes are moist and black, and his eyes are full of joy.

"when did you come?"

Fangzheng put away the note on the table, his face was a little confused, even if Zhang Siyu

Not to mention, he also knew that his actions just now were too naive.

It's just a trick played by children, no wonder Zhang Siyu laughed out loud.

Fang Zheng felt a little embarrassed when he thought that his actions just now were seen by Zhang Siyu.

She looked at Zhang Siyu and wanted the other party to give her an explanation.

The chairman's office is said to be able to enter casually?

Don't think you don't need Jimen if you're a CEO!

Zhang Siyu looked at Fang Zheng's unkind gaze, and smiled even more happily. She dreamed of it.

Not that Fangzheng still has such a childish side, it simply refreshed her cognition.

"I came in when Fang Dong closed his eyes and rested his mind, and I have a high door, you don't need to

Look at me this way. "

Intercropping and Axial Dividing the Faithful [-] Ben Jingsi on His Excellency Bixue's Teaching: Suddenly I feel a little small in my heart


It was as if he had caught Fang Zheng's prank little tail, and he was a little excited.

"I wanted to say hello just now, but I saw Fang Dong ordering troops over there.

didn't bother..."

Zhang Siyu laughed as he talked, and the flowers were messy, adding a lot to the office.


Thinking of the scene just now, Zhang Siyu really couldn't control himself and wanted to take care of Fang

It's not that she can't do it right, it's that Fang Zheng was too funny just now.

When she first came in, she saw Fang Zheng raised his head and closed his eyes to the ceiling.

I thought Fang Zheng was tired from work, so he didn't say anything, wanting to wait for Fang Zheng to wake up by himself.

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