"My Youth Love Story Is Really a Problem", how many people's memories of youth love


When it comes to the big teacher, I can't help but think of the classic sentences of the big teacher.

But "it is always difficult for a gentle and correct person to survive, because the world is neither gentle nor


"Without expectation, there will be no disappointment, and without tyranny, there will be no injury.

'Lonely people don't hurt others, they just keep hurting themselves.

'I hate gentle girls, gentle girls are actually gentle to everyone,

However, I mistakenly thought that it was only gentle with me, and then I would become complacent and complacent, and finally

The trouble broke up and both sides were hurt, so I hate gentle girls. "

The main reason why Hikigu Hachiko was dubbed the 'big teacher' by fans

Because the big teacher sees a lot of things very thoroughly and speaks very richly


If Azusagawa Mita is worshipped by fans and respected by fans because of her rhetoric

Called 'Master', then Hikigu Yayu is a life mentor.

Maybe the big teacher won't say anything nonsense, and he doesn't have the civil and military skills of Brother Lu.

There is no energy saving like folding sticks, but the big teacher can sit firmly on one of the four needs of the campus, and it is absolutely

It's not a boring person.

In addition to its unique self-destruction, many quotations are very philosophical.

And this is also reflected in the study of the big teacher, although the big teacher dare not say anything about it.

Brother Lu is also an all-rounder, but at least he is also a learner.

It's just that this Xueba science subject is a bit sloppy, and he only got 9 exams in mathematics.

In fact, it is normal to think about it. The talents of the big teacher are obviously all in the direction of liberal arts.

and self-destruction, so the big teacher can say these rich and philosophical words while exposing himself.

Reasonable words.

If you are not proficient in the liberal arts, can you say such philosophical words?

When it comes to the big teacher, perhaps the first thing that many fans think of is "self-destruction," Xue Naigutian

Next, "Wait, but in fact, the personality of the teacher is still very high.

For example, the big teacher looks very indica, but the animation over-depicted the big teacher's dead fish

Eye, Fangzheng seriously doubts whether it is the emotional life of teacher Fang Gaimo, the animation producer.

To prank the big teacher.

Secondly, the big teacher has a very strong working ability, and the assigned tasks always imply completion.

, knowledge is also very wide, etc.

And most importantly, the big teacher has a very cute and explosive sister~!

Suck it~!

Cough, cough, card. …

When it comes to the great teacher, the first thing Fangzheng thinks of is the copy of Brother Lu.

In a sense, Brother Lu and Lu are absolutely two extremes...

For example, Brother Lu is domineering, big teacher.emm~ The side leaked...

Teacher: I'm the one who takes the blame!

Brother Lu: I am capable of throwing the pot!

Teacher: I blew myself up!

Brother Lu: I protect myself!

Teacher Ben: Look, the world in which I am alone is finished, it's very simple

Look, the world where I alone can't get hurt is finished, it's easy

| exhale slowly

'My girlfriend is a jerk. *

Brother Lu also looked at the big teacher expressionlessly, and replied lightly.

"It's a coincidence that my girlfriend is also arrogant.*

Yo yo~!

Fangzheng was thinking about the big teacher and Brother Lu's small theater in his mind, he couldn't help himself.

I applaud myself.

I am such a genius!

Fang Zheng couldn't help but shook his head with a smile. The small theater that he just thought of was purely a spoof.

And any black teacher or black road brother, on the contrary, the four bullies on campus, Fang Zheng himself is ten

Like it.

"In other words, I will release the big teacher, and I won't teach a group of big teacher's apprentices~"

Fangzheng suddenly thought of a serious problem 5.8, if those fans watched Da Lao

After the teacher, one by one, they all went to blow themselves up. Does that mean that they have become sinners?

In Fangzheng's view, you can think that the great teacher is very philosophical, or you can think that the great teacher is very philosophical.

What the teacher said is right, and the big teacher can also be regarded as an idol.

But if you learn this kind of self-destruction from the grave teacher, it will not be a big trouble.

It's a matter of time, but you are so directly cold!

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