Two generations of people, Fang Zhengke has always been the backbone member of the FFF group, and has always been firm

The belief of my own paper-man wife, like this recently, three shirts twice to a real woman

The impulse in his heart became more and more obvious, Fang Zheng's face was full of entanglements, even if he reacted

No matter how slow you are, you know what this means.

Looking at Zhang Siyu's knowingly asking, Fang Zheng's blood surged, he gritted his teeth,

With a heart, he looked at Zhang Siyu viciously and said.

"I'll give you a day off today, come with me, I'll be waiting for you in the parking lot downstairs!

After finishing speaking, Fang Zheng turned around and left Zhang Siyu's office, his back was very cool.

After leaving the office, Fang Zheng felt that his heart was beating fast. It turned out that the first time he asked a woman was

Such a feeling~!

Don't talk about the previous life, as a half-worker and half-houseman, Fang is working hard in the city.

After fighting for a few years, I want a house or a house, a car or a car, and I want to save it.

As a three-no-one youth, he would never take the initiative to ask a girl out.

Because he knew that he would definitely not succeed, reality is reality, cruel and ruthless.

The kind of sweet love in film and television dramas is not without it, but Xia Guo has a population of more than one billion, you

What do you think are the chances of you being magnetized to that kind of good girl?

Therefore, Fangzheng would never take the initiative to ask girls. In his opinion, Fangzheng couldn't do it.

Why spend the hard-earned money earned by working hard?

Wouldn't it be delicious to have this money to buy a few 1.8-person wife's figures?

hug if you want, hug if you want, sleep together if you want, and

It won't go against your own intentions, why do you want to be a puppy in reality~

And when I came to this world through time travel, I was always busy with my work at the beginning, busy with my work.

My own grand but somewhat illusory dream.

Now he can be considered successful, but the mentality of the previous life has never changed.

Come on, so I subconsciously ignore how good I am now, and I have feelings for the opposite sex.

How attractive.

PS: Thanks to "One by one for our lost youth", "Dream Language", "136....00", "Month"

"Yingdai" monthly ticket support, thank you guys!!

I beg the big guys for more support, and please!!!

time | voice | also

Reward share report

Chapter [-] Something is wrong, very wrong! (For support)

Now, he has felt sexual movement on Zhang Siyu twice. At this moment, he finally

Yu realizes that he may be in love, and it is still the kind of unrequited love.

In addition, being stimulated by Zhang Siyu's expression just now, Fang Zheng suddenly reacted,

He is no longer the little guy in his previous life, there is no need for him to have that kind of inferiority


Therefore, as a human being, Fangzheng has issued an invitation to the opposite sex for the first time in history.

Although this invitation is a bit overbearing

On the other side, Zhang Siyu looked at the back of Fang Zheng leaving, his face was full of inevitable, yes

Yu Fangzheng's sudden invitation from a domineering president was somewhat unresponsive.

When did Fangzheng become so domineering?

Zhang Siyu and Fangzheng have been partnering together for a long time, but Fangzheng gives people the feeling

He has always felt like a big boy next door, never the kind of high-spirited


Although the A company is often the founder of the idea, but it has never been like today

Overbearing too.

Zhang Siyu avoided for 24 moments, a pair of black and clear eyes flickered slightly, and then his face

The color is a little snickered.

'This wood has finally come to its senses!

Zhang Siyu bit her red lips lightly, and at this moment she also felt her heart beating

Accelerating, Chang Ran realized her feelings for Fang Zheng from a long time ago.

But when things really came to this moment, I couldn't help but feel nervous.

After the coursing, there was tension. In the empty office, except for Zhang Siyu himself.

Outside, there is no one else.

In this case, Zhang Siyu's nervousness is written on her face, no matter what her character is.

Strong, but in the face of Fang Zheng's sudden invitation, he still couldn't help but feel arrogant.

Zhang Siyu lightly patted his cheek and forced himself to calm down.

At that moment, she felt like she was in a tight jar, and the surprise came suddenly and too quickly.


She has always been calm and witty, and for the first time, she feels that she is surrounded by sweetness!

Zhang Siyu avoided it for a while, then remembered that Fangzheng just said that he was waiting for him in the parking lot

, his face became flustered.

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