Hotel hotel, of course, eating and drinking, and then it is not safe to drive at night, it is reasonable

Rent a room outright.

And then there are not enough rooms, there is only one left, why don't you squeeze it?

Cough cough, Fang Zheng was taken aback by his own thoughts, he quickly got out of the car, he absolutely

Don't admit to having that unhealthy thought!

He just asked Zhang Siyu to eat!

The two walked silently all the way to the inside of the hotel and booked a box.

The waiter of the hotel was standing in the box, holding the menu in his hand and looking suspiciously

The first two handsome men and beautiful women, but the atmosphere seems to be a little stiff~

"Cough cough, you order food~"

In line with the habit of inviting girls to dinner, Fangzheng asked Zhang Siyu to order food,

As for which gentleman is the gentleman's style promoted by Fangzheng, only Fangzheng himself knows.

Got it.

After all, there are two kinds of gentlemen, one is the traditional polite gentleman, and the other

One is a gentleman who automatically changes color while watching anime bullet screens.

After ordering the dishes, the waiter gave the two of them a strange look again, and then left Bao Cai.

, only Fang Zheng and Zhang Siyu were left in the room.

Nuoda's circular revolving dining table, Fang Zhengyou keeps the farthest diameter distance from Zhang Siyu

away, sit opposite.

Seeing Fang Zheng's restrained appearance, Zhang Siyu was both angry and funny, and asked the girl to come out

How can you go so far as to eat? Does this despise me (is it good)?

Zhang Sishi knew that it would be impossible to count on Fangzheng taking the initiative to speak.

Maybe it's starting to back off.

After waiting for so long, she finally got such a glimmer of hope, she would never allow Fang Fang.

Back off at this time!

Since you don't take the initiative to attack, then I'll delay it!

Zhang Siyu firmly suppressed the shyness in his heart, looked up at Fangzheng, and then

He stood up quietly and sat on the seat beside Fangzheng.

On a...  

Zhang Siyu came to Fangzheng, took a deep breath, looked at the other party and said.

"I'm sitting here, Dong Dong doesn't mind~"

"do not mind!"

Fang Zheng looked at Zhang Siyu's actions, and suddenly felt that the character was reversed?

Have the roles been swapped? !!

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please 1 ! 1 !

time | voice | also

Chapter [-]: Sima Zhao's Heart (For Support)

Why does he feel that he has the illusion of being aroused?

Fang Zheng thought about it for a while, and finally reacted. Isn't this a typical reaction?

Use strong though?

This doesn't work!

In the underworld, Fang Zheng felt that his personality was insulted, and he didn't know where the courage came from.

The right hand directly wrapped around Zhang Siyu's waist.

The first time that Fangzheng and Fangzheng arrived at each other's department, the two of them were like horns and electricity.

Because of this, the room became very quiet, the two of them didn't speak, and the needles could be heard.

The atmosphere also became weird for a while.

Slowly, I don't know if it's a mistake, Zhang Siyu always feels that the temperature in the room seems to be higher than

I was a lot taller just now, could it be because I was too shy and nervous.

Zhang Siyu glanced at Fangzheng from the corner of his eye, and found that Fangzheng also had a little sparkle on his forehead.

, it seems that the other party is not as calm and domineering as it appears.

In other words, Fang Zheng is also nervous, and his degree of nervousness is no less than himself.

For a long time, Zhang Siyu finally couldn't stand the heat. She felt that she was about to breathe.

Chi Fen came 7 and listened to Fang Zheng's rapid breathing, it was obvious that Fang Zheng himself was hot.

"You. Are you hot?"

Zhang Sishi was followed by Fang Zheng in this way, and he was so nervous that he even said that 273 would be unreasonable.

Children are not as neat as usual.

And Fangzheng didn't know what to do, he just felt that he was being misled

, as soon as the brain is hot, the maple unconsciously grabs the opponent's waist

He was sure that all of this was his own decision, and definitely not his intention.

But the atmosphere is already like this, and it is not easy for him to take his hands away.

Are you afraid?

For the sake of dignity, for the glory of men, even if the hands are starting to get sore, but

Fang Zheng still did not intend to take his hand away.

At this time, when he heard Zhang Siyu's words, Fang Zheng nodded and said.

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