Fang Zheng suddenly realized something, turned his head slowly, and saw a picture

Sleeping pretty face, this face he is all too familiar with.

Who else is this if Zhang Siyu is not?!

At this time, Zhang Siyu's face was red, his hair was a little messy, and the most terrible thing was that the other party

Of course he is holding his own.

Clearly feel the other person's body temperature, clearly feel something that shouldn't be felt


Fangzheng understands!

What the hell is going on here?

Looking at the scattered clothes, Fang Zheng knew that something must have happened last night.

It's an exciting thing, and it's still without his knowledge.

It's a big loss~!

Ahh! Now is not the time to think about that!

Fang Zheng patted himself and threw those unhealthy things out.

How could he sink in here, such a bright and promising young man.

"I remember that I asked Zhang Siyu to have dinner yesterday, and then Zhang Siyu ordered some wine, and then

Then I was king, and then..."

Fangzheng recalled yesterday's situation, the corners of his mouth twitched, he actually forgot himself

es want to finish it must be the kind of 'I'm in, I'm down'

Shame on!

Disgraceful to grandma's house!

Fangzheng regretted secretly, looking at Zhang Siyu's expression from the corner of his eyes, this girl in the past

Where is the strongman still interesting, decisive, and wise, he is clearly waiting for someone to touch him.

The little milk cat~


Looking at Zhang Siyu like this, let alone, Fang Zheng is still a little proud in his heart.


Suddenly, there was a somewhat coquettish voice in his ear, and Fang Zheng was startled.

If Zhang Siyu noticed this, would he still be able to walk out of the room alive?

Fang Zheng wanted to slip first, but after trying several times, Zhang Siyu held his hand too tightly

, can't get it out.

"Fang Dong... good morning..."

"Morning...good morning..."

Fangzheng gave up. He was waiting for the judgment of fate. Anyway, he couldn't run away.

It also happened, and I was quite satisfied with Zhang Siyu, but it was a big deal that I was responsible for the cuckoo.



Suddenly Zhang Siyu woke up, she turned her neck stiffly, a pair of beautiful eyes stared

Da, glanced at Fang Zheng, and then got into Xia Liang's quilt with lightning speed.

Saying nothing will not show up.

Fangzheng freed his hands, watching Zhang Siyu's self-deception, suddenly

Some fun.

After a long time, Zhang Siyu is even more nervous than himself~

How to say that sentence... As long as I'm not nervous, it's others who are nervous!

"Cough, that... since it has already happened, why don't we work together to make a living?

Guy got it. "

Listening to Fang Zheng's words through the quilt, Zhang Siyu was instantly half-dead.

At times like this, you don't think about how to comfort yourself first, but what to do instead


Who wants to be with you~!

Zhang Siyu scolded Fangzheng Wood in his heart, and at the same time he didn't know what to do.

I thought Fangzheng was already drunk, but I didn't expect this person to be dishonest in sleeping in the middle of the night.

However, he just did something he shouldn't have done.

Sure enough, men are big hooves, and even being drunk can't change the outcome of the matter


Zhang Siyu didn't know what he wanted to hit, but he only felt his face was hot and his whole body was weak, such as

In this way, I don't have the courage to look at it, so I can only shrink in the quilt and be a near black.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!! Righteousness

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Chapter [-] Do you want to have a partner? (For support)

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