In case he gets pissed off, Fangzheng still doesn't know which girl will be cheaper~!

Although this elm knot is sometimes very annoying, but to make her Zhang Sishi give up, that is

Impossible, even if it is a piece of wood, it is the wood of your own choice, not everyone can


Thinking of this, Zhang Siyu took a deep breath, then looked at Fang Zheng, and slowly stretched out his

Her own hand, the meaning is obvious, that is to let Fangzheng hold her, after all, she is really

I don't want to move, I feel pain when I move.

If it wasn't for the shyness in her heart that she couldn't overcome, she would want Fang Zheng to hold her high

Kai, just thinking that there are so many people outside and being stared at by so many people, it will definitely be very sad.


Looking at Zhang Siyu's actions, Fang Zhengzheng took a moment, then reacted, and finally

Not too sluggish.

Slowly, Fang Zheng helped Zhang Siyu to the outside of the Magic Capital Hotel, when Fang Zheng called

The driver is already waiting.

Put Zhang Siyu into the commercial car, Fang Zheng sat beside him, and then let the driver drive to the

own home.

Before and after, until three o'clock in the afternoon, Fang Zheng came to the company slowly.

"Hey, hey, did you see that Fang Donghong's face was full of light, did you say..."

"Speaking of Mr. Zhang, since he left yesterday, he hasn't shown up until now.

I only came to the company at this time, ahem...

"I think we are not far from the red envelope~"

"There will be red envelopes, bonuses, and holidays, brothers, work hard

Ah, don't delay work until that momentous moment!"

Fangzheng walked through the office area, walking with wind and wind.

The worker laughed wickedly when he saw Fang Zheng's face.

When I think that Fang Zheng and Zhang Siyu did not come to the company according to their usual habits, this conclusion

It doesn't need much explanation at all.

On the other hand, Fang Zheng thought he was hiding well, and he tried his best to let himself see

It's no different from usual, so try to keep your expression as natural as possible.

But he doesn't know that if this person is not professionally trained, no matter how good the disguise is, he will

There are flaws, for example, although he tried his best to disguise his expression.

But the sweetness at the corner of his mouth had inadvertently exposed him.

Someone who thinks he is very smart comes to the office and sits in a chair, but his heart is long

I can't be calm for a long time, and I don't have the heart to work at all.

Then, Chen Xianting, who followed Fang Zheng to the office, saw Fang Zheng dragging her chin.

With a slightly smirk, his expression is a bit complicated.

Chen Xianting sighed silently, then she cheered herself up, and made a cup for Fang Zheng.

Tea is served.

"Fang Dong is tired, drink some tea to relax~"

Chen Xianting's words, "I'm tired," made Fang Zheng avoid it for a while, and then she laughed twice.

, picked up the teacup and took a sip, comforting herself that this is just a daily greeting from Chen Xianting.

Yes, absolutely nothing else.

Then Chen Xianting reported some work from yesterday to the present to Fang Zheng, only

Seeing the casual look of the other party, he was obviously wandering in the sky.

Chen Xianting knew what Fang was thinking, and why Fang Zheng was like this, even more so.

Knowing that Fangzheng was not in the mood to listen to her report on work at this time.

With a helpless sigh, Chen Xianting tidied up Fangzheng's office a little, and then

He left the office very wisely, leaving the space to Fang Zheng alone.

Sure enough, as soon as Chen Xianting left, Fang Zheng's whole person changed, with a lingering smile on the corner of his mouth,

When I checked my computer, I didn't know what I was thinking.

As a human being in two lives, he has always been a single dog, don't talk about what happened last night, even

The little hand of the goddess had no chance to touch it.

As a result, he has now transformed himself into the look that he once despised.

For single dogs, those current charging in reality are absolutely hateful, every time

Seeing it will make the other party explode, but when I really become a current charge, I realize that Yan

Come to love so sweet~

"Hey~ I really still lived the way I hated the most!"

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!! 1 !!

Chapter [-] Some people succeed and some people fail (for support)

Fang Zheng is sitting in the office, some of his heart is not needed, his mind is full of Zhang Zhang in his own home.

Thinking rain.

It is said that falling in love can make people stupid, and Fang Zheng now has a deep understanding of it.

On weekdays, as soon as he enters the office, the first thing he will think about is

It's your own follow-up plan, not thinking about messy things.

But now it's different. Fang Zheng looked at the documents that Chen Xianting brought, and there were no documents at all.

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