The dubbing of the anime "Crazy Red" made the animation that was not popular at that time successfully completed.

In a blink of an eye, almost a year has passed. During this year, she saw A with her own eyes.

The club gradually grew, watching Fangzheng launch a series of well-received works.

And she herself has stepped back from the front line of the seiyuu industry to the background, because Founder's

Trust, was promoted to the director of the voice actor department, specializing in teaching the voice actors recruited by the company.

Career, she Yang Li can be said to have a bumper harvest, but emotionally, she is the same

Back then, he was still alone, even more miserable than before.

If you haven't seen it, you won't miss it, but Yang Li met at the age when she was most eager to be in love

The one she was destined to be, but the one who belongs to her now is trapped with other women

In love.

Yang Li really doesn't know how to describe her mood at this time, is it miserable?

Naturally painful!

But so what, she couldn't change anything, couldn't do anything.

Fang is the man she likes and her life partner, but Zhang Siyu

Also her best friend, Yang Li is in a dilemma.

Moreover, this sudden love affair was the choice of Fang Zheng and Zhang Siyu.

What right does an unrequited woman have to intervene? In what capacity?

Thinking that Zhang Sishi was introduced to Fangzheng by herself, Yang Li felt even more uneasy.

It doesn't mean that she regrets it, how jealous she is, it's just that it's not the taste


PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!! 1 !!

Chapter [-] There is no corner that cannot be dug down (for support)

The atmosphere in the office was a bit depressing, Yang Li and Chen Xianting were sitting on the sofa, no one was there

Talk, because each other understand each other's mood.

Yang Li felt uncomfortable, and Chen Xianting herself was not.

When Company A recruited the chairman's personal assistant, she went through untold hardships to squeeze

Crossing the single-plank bridge with thousands of troops, all the way to get this easily misunderstood


Even her parents persuaded her several times to quit her job, saying that such a job is for girls

The child's reputation is not good.

After all, the nature of the work of an assistant is similar to that of a secretary, and the secretary...

But Chen Xianting persevered all the time, despite the pressure of her family and friends around her.

The gossip has persisted to this day.

If Chen Xianting doesn't like Fangzheng, I'm afraid ghosts won't believe it!

Chen Xianting arrives at the company very early every day and leaves very late, except for the company's security

The system and the staff on duty, it is estimated that she is the most diligent.

Every day before working hours, she would come to the company and take care of Fangzheng's office.

Since Chen Xianting took office, Fangzheng's office has never been cleaned by the company.

After taking care of it, she has always taken care of it herself.

She was worried that the cleaning would not be able to take care of some corners of the office and would not give Fangzheng's office


After cleaning up the office, Chen Xianting brewed a cup of hot coffee for Fang Zheng non-stop.

Because she knew that Fangzheng liked to drink hot coffee to refresh himself in the morning.

After packing everything up, she will also go to buy a breakfast for Fangzheng herself, she doesn't know where

Tian Fangzheng will go to work after eating breakfast, and I don't know which day Fangzheng will go to work without breakfast.

Come to the company.

It is not convenient for her to ask questions, so she can only do her best to help Fang Zhengzhun every day

Prepare a hot breakfast just in case.

Fangzheng never knew about this breakfast, and he didn't know why he asked Chen Xianting every time.

Went to buy breakfast, the other party came back so quickly.

This is the case in the morning, and the same is true at noon.

Every time she came to the company for lunch, Chen Xianting would go to the cafeteria herself to help Fang.

I'm making a meal.

In the evening, Chen Xianting also got off work very late, every time she waited for Fang Zheng to leave,

After making sure that everything in Fangzheng's office is in order, he will leave.

It is no exaggeration to say that Chen Xianting took care of Fangzheng so much that she had already surpassed a personal assistant.

The responsibilities that should be taken are completely like a little daughter-in-law.

These are not what Fangzheng forced her to do, but she did it voluntarily. As for the reasons, many

Everyone understands.

If she didn't like it to the core, why would Chen Xianting practice herself here for Fangzheng's sake?

To the point of being an assistant honestly, and then getting a salary, this is not what she should do best

Did you do it?

But in fact, Chen Xianting gave Fang Zheng everything she could give as an outsider.

It's just that all this has been ignored in Fang Zheng's elm head, although Fang Zheng's

She may feel that Chen Xianting has paid too much, and she feels ashamed, so she took the initiative to do it for Chen Xianting.

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