Due to the limited adaptation range of the anime, the dog food is still slightly better, so Yihe lost it, but if

If you go to the comics, you will find that this is completely the author of the dog thief showing off himself in public

married life.

Many details in the comics are inspired by the author after marriage. It is said that a lot of materials are used.

And the plot is the author's daily life after marriage, so this is definitely a show of affection on the public screen!

Although it is said that art comes from life, it is clear that "In short, it is very cute"

In order to avoid the full radiation of Kazuhiro's history: it is naked to open your mouth and shove you


feed me all!

There is even a gossip that the reason why Xiaopo Station bought this work at the beginning was completely

Because domestic lemons are sold out.

Adapted from the author's real post-marriage experience, the work "In short is very cute"

, It can be understood that Kenjiro Yan is simply showing off his married life.

And right now, Fang Zheng felt that he was not much different from this guy, and he just talked to Zhang Si just now.

Rain established a relationship and it was absolutely fitting to launch this anime!

And most importantly, he can boost domestic lemon sales for GDP growth

contribute my effort.

"I'm so great, come fans, just Ningmo~"

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please! ! ! !

Division | Bar | Three

Chapter [-]: The Great Teacher's Philosophy of Life (For Support)

Animals basically live in groups. Among carnivores, there is a hierarchy. If there is no

The ability to be a leader will be under pressure until death.

And herbivores will also worry about whether to sacrifice the same

Come and keep yourself alive.

Hikigaya Hachiko sat alone at the desk, looking at the clearly-graded relationships in the class,

Can't help showing the audience the side of his philosopher.

Just like this class, the so-called group, cannot bring any benefit to the individual, so

I have chosen the path of bears who will never live in packs!

"Brothers, the big teacher has started the class, hurry up and take a small notebook and record it~!"

"The Great Teacher's Philosophy of Life~

"Those who live in isolation are either beasts or gods!"

"Beasts always walk alone, cattle and sheep in groups!"

Listening to the anime "Seven Six Three", the big teacher taught the philosophy of life here at the beginning, fans

They couldn't help but get serious.

Listening to the words of the teacher, I nodded silently, feeling that the teacher said it well.

It seems reasonable, although many fans always feel that something is wrong, but they can't say it


"Can be a solitary creature that doesn't feel uncomfortable living alone, and can

Hibernate, this is awesome!"

The lively scene of the middle school students in the class formed a strong contrast with the quiet surrounding Hikigu Hachi.


"When I reincarnate in my next life, I must be reincarnated as a bear..."

The words fall, the words are over, the big teacher's biology homework has also been successfully completed, and then...  

Sure enough, just like before, the big teacher was called by Hiratsuka Shizuo again.

Office, accept ideological criticism and correction.

"Teacher, aren't you teaching Chinese?"

"I'm a life instructor, so the biology teacher just left this matter to me

Hiratsuka Shizuo looked at Hikigu's eight paintings, and sighed helplessly, this question really makes the boy

She is heartbroken!

"Okay, where is the ecological relationship of wild animals written here?"

Hiratsuka sat quietly on the chair and tapped Hikigu's work on the table with his fingers.

, asked helplessly.

"This is a strong rebuttal to the herd society of wild animals!"

Listening to Hikigu's answer, Shizuo Hiratsuka rubbed his sun with a headache.


"Stop talking nonsense, you're talking like living in a group is a sin..."

Humans are originally gregarious animals. This has been the case since ancient times. You expect to be alone.

To change this way of life of human beings?

Hiratsuka Shizuo didn't know how to describe Hikigu's eight paintings.

"Teacher, don't you also live alone, or in other words, celibate..."

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