It's just that the world still has the concept of whether there is a second disease, so fans don't know it at all.

I know what kind of feeling this is, and I don't know how to describe it.

But seeing Zaimuzuo, they only knew that they were cooking rice all over.

"Is this your acquaintance?"

"I don't know, even if I know this kind of person, I will say I don't know!"

The conversation between Yukino and Hikigu Bachi made many fans in front of the screen call the truth.

If I have such a friend, I guess I won't admit it, it doesn't matter.

Bad character is not bad, just simply feel roasted and ashamed!

Presumably the Hikigu eight pictures at this time is such a mood, after all, it is in front of the snow.

487 is the face of the dumplings, if it is alone, it will be fine.

"I actually forgot my good brother, I really despise your eight pictures 1

"He said he was your good brother~"

Hearing the words of Yoshiki Zaimokuza, Danko looked at Hikigu's eight paintings curiously, although

Eight pictures strongly deny it, but you definitely know it, absolutely!

"That's right, brother, you should still remember that time like hell, that time

The time to forge ahead side by side is simply rudimentary. Why do you find a partner who you like?

How can someone who is going to sacrifice at an unknown time be rashly to like others?!”

Listening to these words full of dry cooking, fans all feel goosebumps


But the fans of the basket returned to the embarrassing tour, and it was the first time that fans saw such a very interesting statement.

The way of speaking, I am very curious, but also feel that I can imitate it?

After all... this looks like a lot of fun~!

If the fans' thoughts are known to Fang Zheng, I don't know if they will vomit blood on the spot.

Death, you don't learn the great teacher's philosophy of life, and you don't learn Xuenai's poisonous tongue.

Why do you want to learn the second disease of Zaimuzuo? !!

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!! .

Chapter four hundred and ninety-three the evolution of the second disease (seeking support)

The good ones don’t learn the bad ones. Although the middle school disease feels very indica when I like it, but in

In the eyes of others, it is a proper black history.

Just look at the dark flame envoy next door, it is definitely a black history, it is the most hopeful

Hope to disinfect the existence!

However, fans who have seen Yoshiki Zaimiza do not think so, they feel

It's interesting to have this way of speaking.

Especially some younger fans, not only do not have the slightest dry cooking, but sink

Very handsome!

Sure enough, the purchasing agent problem exists no matter where it is, even in the two-dimensional circle.

No exception.

After the latest "My Youth Love Story" was broadcast, fans

Started the diversion, some chose to continue watching "Initial D", and some chose to continue watching "Initial D"

Came to the A company forum.

"Brothers, Zaimiza Yoshiki is very indica, isn't it?!"

"He Shuai? Do you have any misunderstanding of Shuai? Why do I feel like I'm full of shit

3 ,

"How can mortals see my domineering, when I wake up, the world will be destroyed

Zhang Zhi BE

"I contact, brother, you have awakened, and you have an inner taste!"

"Can we talk nicely, I'm so hot like you guys~!"

"As long as I'm not embarrassed, the embarrassing people are the people, slip the manuscript~!"

In the forum of Club A, a demon wind slowly began to blow, and some fans spoke

Compared with the previous method, the method has changed a lot, and the biggest feature is that it makes people look foggy.

Inside, everything felt between the lines was full of embarrassment.

However, this terrifying and terrifying evil wind has intensified, and many fans have

Of course I knew it would be embarrassing to do this, but seeing this very interesting way of speaking

, but couldn't help but follow suit.

the result...

Quan Duo is a person Wang Quan continued Xing Fang 5, an example of a way of speaking that was not common among fans before.

Play Nian Lie.

Although there has been such a similar way of speaking before, it is very rare, and it seems

There is no way of speaking now that makes Asahi cook.

It can only be said that these fans have been led astray by Yoshiki Zaimuza, and they have a tendency to suffer from secondary diseases in the first place.

The person who saw Yoshiki Zaimiza instantly completed his awakening, directly from the pseudo-infected patients

Evolved into a real patient with secondary disease.

And the most terrifying thing is that these fans are still evolving. If this continues, sooner or later

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