Anime Survival

Chapter 10 - 10: Return

[Congratulations to Junior traveler James for surviving...

_Evaluation : S (Excellent )

_Reward : 100PT

_Bonus :

-Fighting in the underground league : 100PT

-Participate in Megalonia : 500PT

-Victory in Megalonia (12): 100×12 = 1200PT

-Become the Megalonia champion : 1000PT

Bonus Total : 2800PT ....]

Seeing the numbers in front of him James took a deep breath, He knew who was going to be well rewarded, but he had don't know that his rewards were going to be so exaggerated.

He calmed down, then thought seriously about how to distribute his points, but he suddenly felt something on his belt, he quickly removed the weapon he had tried to introduce with him into Survival World and sighed with disappointment.

"You can't bring anything with you."

He thought for a few more seconds and opened the Stats interface.

[Name : James Art]

[Specie : Humanoid]

[Title : Travler Junior]

Creature Rank: ☆

●Strength : 0,8 +

*Physical power and carrying capacity..

●Constitution : 0,7 +

*Endurance, stamina and good health...

●Dexterity  : 1,8 +

*Agility, balance, coordination and reflexes....

●Senses : 1 +

*Sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch, thermoception, mechanoreception, equilibrioception, nociception, proprioception...

{PT : 2900}

After his training with Tôjo his stats Strength and Constitution improved slightly by 0.1 point, he had already seen the benefits of Dexterity so he pressed the (+) button in front of Dexterity four times.

A red electric current then passed through his body before disappearing, then his hard-earned 1400PT disappeared instantly.

(0,8 -> 1,8=100PT, 1,8-> 2,8 = 200PT, 2,8 ->3,8 =300PT, 3,8 -> 4,8 =400PT, 4,8 -> 5,8=500PT...)

Even with the weakening of the Survival World stats, James felt that the world around him seemed slightly slower, and his movements were fluid and faster, currently his speed outside of Survival World was the same speed he had in the fight against Yūri.

He was so excited that he wanted to get back into Survival World quickly to test his strength, but he calmed down when he saw 1400PT disappear, so he thought carefully about what to do next.

First of all of all the attributes the one which interested him the most was Senses, that looked like an interesting attribute, because he already had a point in this attribute it would take him only five hundred points to improve it, then came Strength and Constitution which would improve considerably his fighting power.

He then added two points in Sense, three points in Strength and two in Constitution, 1400 points disappeared again.

A red electric current then passed through again his body.

[Name : James Art]

[Specie : Humanoid]

[Title : Travler Junior]

Creature Rank: ☆

●Strength : 3,8

●Constitution : 2,7

●Dexterity  : 5,8

●Senses : 3

{PT : 100}

He felt that his body was slightly more comfortable, and that his strength had slightly increased, so he took a deep breath before entering the shop interface.

. . . . . .

The USE Travler Administration located at New-York occupies a 500 story building. Everyone that walks past it feels nothing but fear and respect, and after all, the people that comes in and out of the building are powerful Travler, people that belong to this era's top privileged class.

"I see, please go to the front desk to take the application, and after you fill it out related personnel will come guide you through the application process." The security quickly switched to a smiley face, pointing at the cute girl at the front desk.

"Of course, the treatment of Traveler is totally different." James never got that much respect in his life.

Then James came to the reception desk and left his credit card in front of the receptionist.

"I wish to exchange the equivalent of 100PT."

The cute girl at the front desk  took James' card before she asked.

"Would you like to convert gold, silver, or other materials?"


James took out the small bar in his pockets and put them in front of the receptionist, who took them and put them in a small red metal box, it was a teleportation box specially made for the objects, allowing them to be traded thousands of miles away.

She read the number from James' credit card and gave it to him.

"You have received your payment, thank you for your visit."

he nodded, took his card and walked to the exit, 50 minutes later he went home and then after seeing the amount on his account, his heart leapt slightly.

" 50000 USM (United States Money= 500000USD) "

Since he was born he had never seen so much money, he had really hit the jackpot, he understood then why so many people were risking their lives in Survival World.

"It was a job that paid well!"

Then ten days passed, James left all his jobs part-time, he did not move, but rather renovated his house, paid for new furniture and the house of his neighbors, expanded his house, which allowed him to create a gigantic training room connected to his House.

His house has gone from a dilapidated old building to a beautiful villa large enough to accommodate fifteen people.

The entire project took no more than five days, seeing his house completed James could not help but sigh with admiration for the technology of this world.

Then after ten days of physical training and psychological preparation, James lay down on his bed, ready to enter Survival World.


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