Anime Survival

Chapter 100 - 27: Dodgeball

Razor's aura quickly built up in his palm and he hit the falling ball.


Like a bulet from a revolver, the ball pierced the air in James' direction at a speed beyond the cognition of the human eye.

James lowered his center of gravity and released his aura, he channeled it into his palms as he received the ball.

The ball spinning at full speed and as heavy as steel pushed him back, he was pushed to the edge of the playing air, the trace of the sole of his shoes was visible on the ground making everyone understand the power of the ball.

James felt his fingers on the edge of the break, he clenched his teeth, concentrated more aura in his hands, he was pushed back again before he stopped and threw it in the air.

"Now it's my turn!"


He hit the ball with all his strength, the ball was hit so hard that it created a supersonic boom, Razor's pupils contracted, his muscles swelled, he screamed with all his strength and threw a punch.

The ball and Razor's fist met, the ball was stopped for a moment by Razor's fist before it hit him in the stomach, Razor spit out the contents of his stomach and was thrown out of the field.


James' teammates shouted with joy as the ball was about to hit the ground.


An extremely muscular nen beast about 2m high with the number 29 on its body entered the field and came to retrieve the ball that was about to hit the ground.

"The beasts of nen to the merged!"

Killua, Gon, Biscuit and the others were surprised to see the fusion of the beasts of nen of Razor.

Biscuit signaled Gon and Killua to stay on guard, all three used ken and changed their positions on the playing field.

Razor, who was ejected from the field, did a spin and landed on the ground before jumping into the air.

The nen beast hit the ball with an incredible power sending it to Razor who hit it with all his might towards James.

James without panicking closed and opened his left palm a nen ball with a diameter of one meter swirling at full speed appeared slowly in his hand which he threw in the direction of the ball.

The two balls collided, their friction created sparks, which gave everyone a cold sweat.

"They're monsters!"

Rodriot, one of Tsezguerra's men couldn't help but comment, Tsezguerra sitting on the ground looked at him and shook his head.

"This is a fight between two true Emitter Masters, our level and theirs is not comparable, their aura dosage, their perfect use of Ken, Ko and Shu is simply incredible."

As they were commenting on the duel between James and Razor, James' nen ball disappeared but the volley ball also lost all its power and fell slowly to the ground but before James could receive it, the arms of the beast number 29 turned into aura and lengthened to latching ball in an instant before throwing it back to Razor.

"That's f.u.c.k.i.n.g cheating!"

When Goreinu saw this, he couldn't help but exclaim, clenching his fist towards the referee, who shook his head.

"The beast number 29 is a nen ability, so it can be used to retrieve the ball from the opponent's field."

This time Razor concentrated his aura in the center of his palm by condensing it to a point, James immediately concentrated to the maximum ready to defend himself.

Razor hit the ball, but unlike previous times when the ball was like a cannonball, this time the ball looked like an arrow or a sniper shot.

Precise, powerful and direct.

The ball went through the air at an incredible speed but this time it went in the direction of Gon instead of James.


Killua and Biscuit shouted, James, whose leg muscles had contracted to the maximum, jumped to his left, arriving behind Gon in a second, he instantly grabbed Gon's shirt and threw him back.

Then he concentrates an incredible amount of aura in his right fist.

The tattoo inscribed on James' right hand lit up, blue flashes surrounded his fists, his red aura covering his fist became completely blue under the lightning effect of the flashes, the air around his fists became incredibly hot while a faint mist of steam appeared behind it.

"Shock wave blow : two layers!"

He violently hit the ball in front of the amazed eyes of the whole audience.


The ball suddenly exploded reduced to pieces, Razor's aura was completely blown away, like the flame of a candle encountering a storm.

Two successive explosions resounded in the hall, forcing the spectators present to cover their ears.

A few seconds later, the gym was completely silent, everyone was looking at James like a monster.

James, noticing this, scratched his hair lightly with embarrassment before looking at Razor.

"I destroyed the ball, I hope it's okay?"

But instead of Razor responding, the beast of nen number zero, pointed his finger at James.

"Player James has been eliminated for damaging playground equipment."

"What? I protest, it's not fair."

"I'm sorry, but it is strictly forbidden to willfully destroy gaming equipment."

"But I didn't do it on purpose!"

"Do you have any proof that you did not do it on purpose?"

"But nowhere in the rules does it say that the ball must be whole, even if I blew it up it's still the game ball."

"If I follow your reasoning after you destroyed the bullet, the fragments fell to the ground, so you're still out."

Seeing James bickering with the beast of nen the atmosphere in the gym relaxed, some people even had a smile on their face.

In the end, James was eliminated from the game, in the strangest possible way, leaving only Gon, Killua and Biscuit against Razor and his beast number 29.

"Thank you Mr. James, without you I would be dead."

Gon thanked James who left the field with a big smile, depressed to have been eliminated in such a stupid way, James nodded slightly with a smile.

"Kick that guy's ass."

He came and sat down a few meters from Tsezguerra and his men and looked at his right hand which was completely red.

"Two broken bones, eight internal injuries not bad for a first experience."

. . . . .

This is the 100 th chapter, I have never written so many chapters in a single series, I almost have tears in my eyes, thanks to you, dear readers, thanks to all of you without exception.

When I started to write my first book, I didn't even know which sentence to start with, I wrote what was going through my head, without any real structure or meaning, I never thought I would have so many readers, but you supported me, followed me enthusiastically, Every time I wanted to give up, I received one of your enthusiastic comments or criticisms, it always gave me the strength to write the next chapter, reading your comments always makes me laugh with pleasure and encourages me for the next chapter, I have only one sentence to say to you.

Thank you very much.

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