Anime Survival

Chapter 102 - 29: Bomber

Razor, under the scornful gaze of James, told Gon that Ging was not on the island of greed and that he doesn't know where he is, but he told some stories about his past with Ging and how Ging changed him.

After speaking to Razor, Gon and his team left Razor place and an event with the Plot of Beach NPC takes place in order for them to obtain the card called Plot of Beach.

"Well, I've had my fun, but it's time for me to go. Remember what I asked you for in return for my help."

Gon and cheerful Killua heard James' voice as he activated a spell card before leaving the team.

"he's really strange". Biscuit murmured with a pensive face.

James returned to his training area before walking south towards an area full of monsters.

"It's already February, I've been in this world for six and a half months now, I've been training for more than four and a half months."

"My training will soon be completed and I still have a few months left before the big final fight."

. . . .

Time passed quickly and James was immersed body and soul in his training without worrying about anything else.

He maintained his Ren every day for more than five hours before continuing his physical training at enhancemement.

On March 20, around 2:28 pm, he received a call from Gon forcing him to stop his training.

"How are you doing, my little Gon."

"Good evening Mr. James, we have information about the boomer group as you wanted."

"We're going to meet them today at 3:00."

"Great, can you give me the meeting place?"

Gon looked at Killua and Biscuit who nodded and then gave the meeting place to James.

"We already have a plan to defeat Boomer's group, so we don't need to involve you, Mr. James."

"You don't have to worry about it, I don't care about the cards, all I want is Boomer group."

The call was cut off, James rested and then a few dozen minutes later at about 3:04pm, activated a spell card.

"Magnetic Force activated, Gon Freecs!"

He was surrounded by a golden aura and flew into the sky a few seconds later he appeared a few meters away from Gon, Killua and Biscuit who were facing a few meters away three men whose eyes turned to James.

The Boomers group was composed of three members: Genthru, Sub, Bara, they were card thieves who were willing to do anything to finish the game adopting a PK (Player Killer) style of play.

Genthru put his finger on his glasses and looked at James in the distance before turning his gaze towards Gon's group.

"Is this one of your comrades?"

"No, I don't have the same goal as them, I have a practice to finish so I'll be brief, hand over your cards or I'll kill you."

James walked slowly and casually towards Genthru and his group while yawning.

Genthru then smiled angrily before looking at his two comrades.

"The deal is off! Kill them!"

The two ran towards Biscuit and Killua and Genthru walked towards James.

"I warn you, if you take one more step, I'll kill you."

James said offhandedly as if what he had just said was not a threat but a simple fact.

"Haha! Then kill me haha."

Sub laughed at James as he headed towards Killua, but before he could take another step, a five-meter diameter nen ball swirling at full speed crushed him to the ground, shredding him in an instant.

Bara retreated in terror, James then raised his right hand and an even bigger nen ball appeared in seconds and hit Bara.

Bara in a defensive posture tried to resist the attack but his aura was blown in seconds and the ball exploded on him.


He was thrown backwards and instantly lost consciousness.

Genthru, frightened, opened his binder and took out a card, but he saw James disappear in front of him before appearing behind him.

He heard a strange noise before he felt a horrible pain in his arms, his card fell out of his hands as he rolled on the floor in pain.

"My arms Agh! agh!"

"Come and get the cards you're interested in before i kill him."

Gon and Killua, still stunned and slightly frightened by the scene that had just unfolded, advanced toward James.

"Unbelievable, just unbelievable, I thought at the dodgeball game that he was an enhancer who was extremely good on the emission but he's actually an emitter who's good at enhancement."

"He had launched his attack from the moment he appeared but had not yet targeted anyone and used the In to hide his nen ball without anyone noticing, then after giving a warning, he killed the first one with the attack he had already programmed when he arrived then he attacked the second one with a second ball of nen and while everyone's attention was on the second one who was trying to defend himself from his attack he created a clone of nen then using his perfect mastery of In moved behind Genthru before dissipating the clone of nen when Genthru wanted to escape."

"He is just terrifying."

Cookie analyzing James' actions could not help but fear him, only a master of the nen as she could understand the difficulty of the series of operations James had to perform.

Gon and Killua retrieved the maps from Genthru's binder while James went to finish off Bara, who had fainted on the floor.

James asked them to leave and said goodbye but before leaving Gon suddenly stopped ans clenching his fists before turning around and looking at James.

"Mr. James, I want to know why you killed the two companions of Genthru."

Killua and Biscuit heard this and wanted to gag Gon's mouth.

James was stronger than they were, plus they had already collected almost all the cards to finish the game, so if James decided to kill them, they would be in serious trouble.

"Gon shut up!

Angry, Killua hit Gon's skull at the same time as Biscuit.

But Gon's words didn't make James angry, but rather he scratched his hair with a little embarrassment.

"I don't like lying, but I also don't want to say why I want to kill them, but if you want a simple answer it would be greed."


Gon astonished looked at James strangely and rubbing his skull under the pain of the blows of Biscuit and Killua.

James thought for a moment and then said with a smile.

"You lived in the wild as a child so you should have noticed the life cycle of living things, herbivores eat plants and get eaten by carnivores who in turn get eaten by carnivores, following the law of the strong in the food chain."

Gon nodded his head.

"Then consider me a predator who likes to devour the strongest."

As he said his words James had a big smile that sent shivers down Killua and Biscuit's spine.

"This is my greed I'm greedy for strength and killing these three will make me stronger."

"I understand, Mr. James."

Gon nodded seriously as if he understood what James had just said before he left smiling with Biscuit and Killua.

"What a scary kid, if he ever got into SW, I think even I'd be afraid of him."

James sighed and looked at Gon and his group left and then he turned his eyes to Genthru who was laying on the ground.

"Well, my little Genthru, it's time to have a little chat."

"Name, Hisoka Genthru!, Evil Detective Assistant, start of the investigation!"

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