Anime Survival

Chapter 25 - 2: Don't exist

Since the year 1992 during the Out-Terra-creation (OTC) project more than 67 barren planets have been bombarded by Class X Space Warheads containing resistant organic substance and at the terrifying rate of proliferation thus allowing planets such as Mars to become viable, added to this to the new technology this barren planet quickly became populated, but this can also be attributed to the human expansion project carried out since 1983.

James leaving the spaceport and walking through the crowded streets of Mars looked around him with slight curiosity.

The city of klos was the economic capital of the state of Shin, there were large buildings measuring more than three three kilometers, the streets were clean and the buildings were beautiful with a mixture of Asian and Victorian style.

He walked through the streets of the city for about thirty minutes and arrived very quickly under the direction of the GPS of his Smart-Gear in front of a large administrative building of about seven kilometers with an old style, he entered it and waited for a moment because of the crowd present before being received at the reception.

The administration of that time favoured efficiency more than humanity, almost 80% of the administrative operations were done by the central unit of the Earth also called "The Boss", James then arrived in front of the reception and without time to react the android who was there scanned his face and said to him with a human smile.

"Welcome Mr. James Art to Mars. How can I help you?"

"I've come to inquire about the location of the bodies of my parents, Liliane Rosa Art, Ben Reinhart Art, I've already paid the burial expenses and the ownership of their burial site..."

"I'm sorry for the death of your parents, please identify yourself now."said the robot in a human tone and with a comforting look that made James feel very uncomfortable.

He then quickly identified himself and the robot didn't speak for about four seconds.

"I'm sorry, Mr. James, but the people I just mentioned don't exist in the union database."

James' expression then changed dramatically, he frowned and then said in a slightly angry voice.

"Please check again."

The robot was silent again for a brief moment before saying again.

"I'm sorry, Mr. James, but the people I just mentioned don't exist in the union database."

This sentence was really in his ears like an explosion, he remembered having paid all the expenses related to the burial of his parents even spending his savings, on top of that a government agent had come to investigate the case and even offered their condolences.

"How is that possible? This must be a mistake. "whispered if he unconsciously.

"Mr.James, it's impossible for an error to occur, all existing information on every citizen is carefully stored in The Boss database."Says the robot before removing some kind of blue ticket from his body with a number inscribed on it.

"For any complaint please go to the main administration of the USE in the south of the city, thanks to this ticket you will be received by an official of the department concerned.

James then took the ticket and stared at the android for a few seconds before heading for the exit.

After James' departure the robotic eyes of the android turned scarlet for a few seconds before continuing his work.

. . . . . .

The artificial moon of Mars was slightly similar to Earth's in size and importance to the planet, it was not only the base of the Marsian government but also one of the human government's 175 Star Destroyers, one of the weapons of mass destruction that could annihilate a planet in just a few hours.

It was a veritable impregnable fort, housing the military departments, the intelligence services and the most important politicians of the union .

In the intelligence section of the base, a number of employees were coming and going, each one busy with his own work, especially in the office of one of them, a dark-haired, dark eyed man in his early forties, who suddenly stopped working because of a message he had just received.

Sitting in the office was a mature woman with short red hair and blue eyes who was in the middle of a meeting with the hologram of five other people.

The woman seeing the man enter the office frowned and looked at the man who then approached and said eagerly.

"Sorry Mrs.Hasard to bother you in the middle of a meeting, but it's a C-level Alert."

Madame Hasard slightly surprised then told the holograms :

"Sorry for the inconvenience, we'll reschedule this meeting for tomorrow."

Then they nodded their heads and disappeared.

"What is the emergency in question?"

"Ma'am, a family member of the leader of the O-1820 project went to Mars and inquired about the burial site of the bodies of Professor Liliane Rosa Art and her husband Ben Reinhart Art."

"A family member? I've been in charge of the O-1820 case and according to my investigation they have no next of kin other than their sons."

"It's about the son." The man pressed his Smart Gear and made a hologram appear and then made some movement with his fingers displaying James's information.

"Last month he sold Gundamium to a branch of the USE Travler Administration."

"On top of that his behavior has radically changed. He's quit all his odd jobs and based on his recent activities and the physical analysis done by our sensors scattered throughout the cities, it's extremely likely that he has become a Traveller."

Madame Random remained silent for a moment before she sighed.

"When I started my investigation, not only had we searched every place she'd been in her life, but we'd also read the memories of her son, her friends and my neighbors, but we hadn't found anything, I doubt the son's involvement most likely is that she destroyed the results of the project, but just in case send two agents and a Mind break to check the son's memory.""

""Yes, ma'am!" Says the man leaving the office.

The woman looked out of her office window at the space as a smile formed on her lips.

"You will always amaze me..."

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