Anime Survival

Chapter 32 - 4: Plan and Hatsu

Fisher Tiger looked at James and gritted his teeth in anger as he caressed his fists, Fisher's easy expression clearly said "My friend I hope you have a good idea or else don't blame me for breaking a few of your bones!"

James, seeing this, scratched his hair with embarrassment and then said in a calm tone.

"Actually we need one more person to open the big sea gate while we go steal a ship ."

"Our plan is currently divided into three parts, firstly distract the guards by creating a fire and freeing a large number of slaves, secondly open an escape route, thirdly steal a ship, apart from the third step I'm not sure how to implement the first two."

"The first step requires finding incendiary bombs, gunpowder or flammable material, getting some is not so difficult because the sh.i.p.s that the guards use are Navy sh.i.p.s, so they must have a stock of gunpowder, but I don't know where that can be, this step also requires the help of the other slaves but 99% of them don't dare to rebel against the celestial dragons, let alone have the idea to escape, creating a riot will then be a really difficult task."

Fisher Tiger, who calmed down, nodded his head and then listened to James even more attentively.

James unfolded the map he had drawn and pointed to the port with his finger.

"For the second stage, the path we have chosen is the most direct, that of the port, to pass through this voice we will have to face the guards protecting the port, but before stealing the ship we must open the big door that prevents the ship from entering and leaving here, for this action we imperatively need a discreet accomplice, according to my observations and estimates the gards open the door with an automatic system that he operates in the lighthouse in the North."

"But how are we supposed to find an accomplice, we're in Mary Geoise, no sane person is crazy enough to escape with us!" Says Fisher tiger with disappointment.

James then smiled then folded back "the map" before saying

"I've already found the perfect accomplice, I'll manage to convince her, in the meantime try to locate the stock of gunpowder, if the guards don't see me working today they might kill me."

James left Fisher Tiger and headed towards the Coliseum under construction.

The last days were very trying, the travelers who had accompanied him to the construction of the Colosseum were all almost dead, only the woman named Izumi and the man Mamadou remained alive, the others were all killed by themselves by the cruel blows of the guards or by other slaves.

With each passing day, it seemed that Survival World was targeting them, the attitude of the guards and other slaves towards them was getting worse, James was relatively lucky because he possessed the Nen, he reduced his presence thanks to the Zetsu, thus escaping the attention of the guards and slaves.

But this was not definitive, with each passing day the effect of the Zetsu seemed to diminish.

"This mission is both simple and very complex," he sighed before looking at his hand wrapped in Nen.

"I've almost finished developing my Hatsu, although my Nen mastery is still weak I think I can do it within two days."

There are six types of aura; every individual is born having one of these six different aura types.

Upon learning one's own aura type, a student of Nen can set about learning to apply the technique in a unique way that suits their personality, which can develop into a unique skill.

James had already tested his Nen's property with Water Divination while he was on Earth.

This divination requires one to float a leaf atop a glass of water. A student of Nen will place their hands around the glass and perform Ren (or focus a greater than normal amount of aura in their hands, such as through Gyo).

The resulting effect from one's aura contacting the glass will determine a person's aura type.

(Thank HXH fandom)

If the volume of the water changes, then the user is an Enhancer.

If the taste of the water changes, then the user is a Transmuter.

If impurities appear in the water, then the user is a Conjurer.

If the color of the water changes, then the user is an Emitter.

If the leaf moves on the water's surface, then the user is a Manipulator.

If a completely different change appears, then the user is a Specialist.

After doing the test the colour of the water to be changed, turning blue, clearly showing that James was a Emitters, according to Hisoka, the Emitters are impatient, not detail-oriented, short-tempered, and quick to react in a volatile manner.

They resemble the Enhancers in building their impulsivity, but the difference between them is that Emitters probably tend to calm down and forget easier.

Because of the nature of Emission, many Nen abilities created by Emitters are primarily long range.

Although it didn't totally fit his personality James had to admit that this was true, for example when he competed in Megalo

.B World's biggest boxing competition, when he competed against Hisoka to awaken his Nen or when he entered two worlds on his first day in Survival World, it had almost all the characteristics of a Transmitter's personality...

He had not forgotten that his purpose in coming into the world was to become more powerful.

And the best way to get stronger with Nen is Hatsu, because according to his speculations Hatsu is certainly not affected by the limitation of Survival World.

Hatsu ("Release"/"Act") is one's personal expression of Nen.

Its qualities are influenced by but not restricted to the Nen user's natural Nen category, one of the sixavailable. Hatsu is used to project one's aura to carry out a certain function, creating a special and unique paranormal ability that is colloquially referred to as a "Nen ability or simply "ability"

Being a transmitter James had the idea to create a beast of Nen and after two days of reflection he had an idea.

To create a beast of Nen based on his greatest ability.

The information!

His strength was not his body! Neither his intelligence but the information he possessed about the worlds he was being sent to.

To make his Hatsu even more powerful he had the idea to add a vows and limitations.

Vows and Limitations being a product of the mind, Nen responds to the goals, strengths, and desires of individual users.

As a result, a student of Nen can increase the overall power of an individual skill by stating a self-imposed restriction that forces even more conditions on it.

For example, if one consciously decides something along the lines of "I will only use this skill on Thursdays" or "I will only use this skill against short people" and manages to abide by that rule, that particular skill will become stronger

"My Hatsu is about to be born, it's still lacking some finesse before it's completely perfect and operational. "

James then continued walking towards the coliseum construction site with a thoughtful expression as Fisher Tiger discreetly inspected the various guard buildings....

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